Tony Stark x Reader

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Tony's tossing and turning, so you get out of bed. You're tired and you have to work tomorrow, you can't afford to sleep with such a restless sleeper.
"Babe." He says, opening his eyes. "Babe, come back."
"Tony." You sigh.
"I'll stop moving. I'm not sleeping yet anyways. I'm sorry."
You get back in bed. "You're not superhuman, you need to sleep."
"I know. I just..."
"Just what?"
"Nothing, it doesn't make sense anyways. Goodnight, babe."
He stops moving, and you finally fall asleep, only to be woken by him screaming.
You turn on the light and sit up.
He sits upright, gasping and clutching the arc reactor in his chest.
He looks at you, breathing deeply. "Sorry. I, uh, I'll sleep on... on the couch. Um... sorry." He stammers, closing his eyes and swallowing hard. "Sorry."
"Are you okay?" You ask, despite the answer being obvious.
"Yep, I'm fine. Just dandy." He starts to stand.
"Sit down, Tony." You sigh. "Talk to me. I don't care if it doesn't make sense."
"I can... feel Yinsen's hands in me." He made a gagging sound. "I don't... oh my God."
You look at him, waiting on him to continue.
"There's a hole in my chest!" He said breathily, gasping. "Oh my God."
"Shh, Tony. Sh. Sh. Everything's okay." You say gently, reaching out to touch his arm.
It wasn't okay. He was being poisoned, but there was nothing to be done about it. He had to have the arc reactor, and it was killing him. A lose-lose situation.
But neither of you mentioned that.
He nods, taking another deep breath. "I'm fine."
"I really think you need to see someone, Tony." You suggest again.
"I'm fine."
"That's why you can't sleep?"
"I've never been able to sleep."
"You used to. Before Afghanistan."
"As I said, I'll go sleep on the couch—"
"Tony." You sigh.
He turns to look at you. "Yinsen... he died for me. He had a family, Y/N. They were waiting for him. He had a family waiting for him. Now because of me, somebody's father didn't come home. Somebody's husband didn't come home. Somebody's son didn't come home. Y/N—"
"Tony. Listen to me. It isn't your fault. He made his decision—"
"I took that away from them, Y/N. I took a little kid's dad away. Now what? Now what?! What happens? Who's going to punish me for my sins?! I killed him. I killed Yinsen. My weapons have killed billions! I'm a mass murderer. Yinsen saved my life and I just sacrificed his! What the hell kind of man does that?!"
You pull him to you as he breaks down in heart wrenching sobs.
"I killed him." Tony sobs. "I killed a little kid's dad. I—"
"Don't try to rationalize it, Y/N. Don't try to make it better. You can't." He jerks away from you, so you let your arms fall back to your sides. He puts his head in his hands, and you watch his frame wrack as he weeps.
"Why are you here?" He looks up at you, his eyes red and puffy, his face streaked with tears. "Why?"
You don't say anything, because he's not looking for an answer. It takes every ounce of your will power (and then some) not to cry too.
He screams in agony. You bite the insides of your cheeks, tasting coppery blood, but bite down harder anyways because you can't lose it too.
"Help me." He pleads with you.
You don't know what to do. You're on the verge of a breakdown too.
"Leave me alone." He snaps when you try to hug him.
"Then I don't know what you're wanting me to do." You say, trying to keep your voice calm, but failing miserably.
"I don't know." His weeping has receded to silent tears. "I'm okay."
"I love you."
"Too late."
He puts his head back in his hands, and you scoot over to wrap your arms around him. He leans against you, taking deep, shaky breaths.
"You're gonna be okay."
He looks up at you. "It should have been me, Y/N. He was such a good man. He deserved to live. He deserved to live a long, happy life with his children and grandchildren."
"So do you."
"No I don't." His voice is flat and resigned.
"I'm gonna tell you something, and I really need you not to freak out."
"Me freak out? Never." It's meant to sound sarcastic, but it comes out in a deadpan.
"I'm pregnant."
He sits up. "What?"
"I'm pregnant." You repeat.
"I'm not saying it again."
"Okay. Not freaking out." He says, sounding like he's freaking out.
"You're going to be a father too."
"Oh my God."
"I can't... I can't be a father."
"Well, too late. You are."
"But I—"
"You'll be a great father, Tony." You assure him.
"No. No, I won't. I'll be a terrible father. I don't know how to parent! I don't even know how to change a diaper! The last time I saw a baby was when my mother was alive. I can't—"
You kiss him. "Tony. Please."
"Sorry. I'm fine." He forces his voice back down.
"You'll be a great father, Tony."
"History repeats itself."
"You aren't your father." You remind him.
"Not yet! I could be!"
"But you won't be."
"But I could!"
"You're not the only one that's scared, Tony. Do you think I'm not scared to push something huge out of my vagina?"
"Have a C-Section." He says calmly, like it's an obvious solution.
"I don't wanna get cut open either!"
"It'll be okay." He takes your hand and kisses it. "Oh my God. This is amazing, Y/N. I... oh my God." He's smiling now, and you feel better.
You smile a little. "Let's go to bed. In nine months, we won't be able to."
He smiles and kisses your cheek. "Okay. Goodnight, love."
"Goodnight. And Tony?"
"You're gonna have to see someone about this."
"Okay. Maybe."
"We'll talk about it tomorrow."
"Okay. 'Night, babe."

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