Sirius Black x Reader

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You're walking down the street with your Muggle boyfriend. You're looking up at the stars, trying to pretend like he's not blowing his smoke in your face.
"Can you point that thing elsewhere?" You snap after a bit.
"Sorry." He says, switching sides to walk on your left.
"Thank--Is that Sirius Black?" You say, starting to run.
"Hold up! What are you talking about?" He demands, running after you and grabbing your hand. "Hey. What's wrong?"
You point up to the building you're in front of, to the man standing on the ledge.
"Whoa." He says.
"Let me go." You start to jerk away.
"What are you going to do about it?" He asks.
"I'm going up there--"
"Why, so you can fucking plummet to your death? I think not. Let's go."
"Let me go!" You jerk away. "Call the police." You say, handing him your phone. "And phone Remus Lupin. Tell him where we are and that Sirius's fucking shit up again."
"How do you want me to say that?" He calls, but you've already ran in the building.
You go straight past the information desk and take the stairs up to the tenth floor. You run to a hallway window and open it.
You look both ways, finding Sirius to your left. He's shaking.
You climb out onto the ledge, grabbing a pipe with one hand and Sirius' belt with the other.
"Merlin's beard!" He says, trying to jerk away. "Y/N! What the fuck do you think you're doing? Do you want to get yourself killed?" He's crying.
"Then why the fuck are you up here?" You snap.
"Why do you think I'm up here? What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Stopping you from being an idiot! Isn't it what I'm always doing?"
"Get the fuck off of here. This isn't how this shit works."
"Oh, then please enlighten me."
"You go down the stairs, I'll fly. Meet at the bottom?"
"Are you talking to me like I'm three on purpose or are you on crack?"
"Neither. Let me go."
"Come inside."
"Fucking let me go."
"Not until you're inside!"
"You fucking bitch! Let me go!"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" You snap.
The two of you had left Hogwarts fighting, might as well meet again in the same way, right?
"What's wrong with me? You're the one standing on a fucking ledge."
"You were here first!" You say, exasperated.
"I'm going to kiss you." He informs you.
"Kiss me all you want, but you have to come inside to do it."
"Hmm, that's what you said on the Astronomy Tower too. Look how that worked out."
You would have reminded him that you agreed not to talk about that, but now doesn't seem like the time. "Why are you up here, Sirius?"
"Well, see. James and Lily..." He stops talking. "James and Lily..." He repeats.
"James and Lily what?" You prompt.
"They're dead." He says, but it's hardly intelligible.
You almost let him go as a wave of grief washes over you. "W-what?" You stammer.
He stares at the ground.
But James and Lily are already dead. Sirius isn't, not yet.
"You don't have to do this."
"Why not?" He scoffs.
"What about Remus?"
He laughs bitterly. "Nope. I fucked that up worse than I fucked up with you. Remus hates me. He'd be cheering for me to jump right now."
"That's bullshit and you know it." You say, almost defensively.
He shrugs.
"And Peter?"
"Peter fucking killed them!" He says emphatically.
You find that highly doubtful. Sweet little Peter couldn't kill James and Lily. Now, of course, probably isn's the time to question him. He never liked to be questioned under normal circumstances.
"Okay. Well, what about me?" You ask, pulling him back as he inches towards to edge.
"Let me go." He sobs. "Fucking let me go."
"If you jump off of this thing, rest assured that I'm flinging myself after you."
"Do you have any self-preservation instinct?"
"No. I thought we'd established that."
"Go inside." He growls.
"Say please."
"Please go inside."
"Merlin, you're a bitch."
"And you're a whore. What's your point?"
"Quit saying things that make me want to kiss you."
"I insulted you."
"Yeah, well, everything you say makes me want to kiss you, so you should probably just shut up and go inside."
"Shut up."
He starts to pry your hand off him.
"Hey, Sirius?" You say quickly. "Remember how we used to go look at the stars?"
He nods.
"Come on, sit down. We'll look at the stars--for old times' sake. What do you say?"
"I say to let me go."
"Regulus' dead too. And Father."
"Oh, shit."
He nods.
"I'm so sorry, baby..."
He looks at you with a little laugh. "Remember when you used to call me that because you loved me, not because you felt bad for me?"
"I do love you." You say emphatically, tears coming into your eyes. "Please Sirius. Please let's just go."
He looks at you. "How did you find me?"
"I told you I'm always watching to stop you from fucking up, didn't I?" You remind him, unwilling to tell him you were on a shitty date with your shitty boyfriend.
"That's bullshit. How did you find me?"
"I was walking."
"Why did you come up here?"
"As I said, to keep you from fucking shit up."
"I'm always fucking shit up."
"And that's where I come in, huh? So why don't we get down from here and I continue to fix what you screw up?"
"You can't bring James back. I fucked up, and now they're both dead, and Harry's going to grow up without parents. Now tell me how the hell you can fix that?"
"Well, I can't fix that. But how was it your fault?"
"I could have been there. James... Merlin, the idiot didn't even have his wand!--I could have been the Secret Keeper. I never would have..." He starts crying again.
You let go of the railing, knowing he wouldn't jump with you hanging onto him. You grab his arm with your newly freed hand and let go of his belt, instead putting your arm around him.
He grabs onto a pole.
"What? Don't wanna die now?"
"I don't want you falling."
"So you love me."
"Yes! Yes I fucking love you! Have you not known that?!"
"If you love me, why are you trying to leave me?"
"You don't love me, Y/N. I'm alone. I have nobody. I can't live like that. I can't."
"Once I knew a man who thought he carried the weight of the world." You say.
"What the fuck?"
"He thought he had to do it all by himself."
"Are you seriously telling me about one of your shit boyfriends right now?"
"But he never realized that if he would let other people help carry the load, it'd be easier. He thought he was protecting them, I suppose, by holding everything himself. He never took into account the toll it took on him. He was in a war, and he's unbelievably cynical."
"Where are you going with this?" He asks, resigned to your story.
"And so now, after so many years of living with the world as his baggage and losing so much, he's standing on the ledge of a building and he's still refusing to accept help from the people who love him."
"Just kiss me. Grant my dying wish and fucking kiss me."
"Not until we go inside."
"Merlin, I forgot how insufferable you are."
"Let's sit down, Sirius. What do you say?"
He nods, and you both lower yourselves down.
"You aren't alone, Sirius. There's always me."
"I break everything I touch."
"Not me, honey. I was already broken."
"Merlin, woman. Can't I do anything in peace?"
"You guys are stupid." Remus says, apparating to Sirius' other side. He grabs you both and disapparates.
You're in what you assume to be Remus' flat.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Remus demands.
"I was trying to fucking get myself off your hands! Why can't anybody let me control anything?"
"Stop being a control freak!" You and Remus both say.
"Shut the fuck up. Leave me the hell alone."
"Sit down!" You snap. "Both of you!"
They both sit.
"Remus, Sirius is convinced you hate him." You say.
"Why the fuck would he think that?" Remus demands, then turns to Sirius. "Why the fuck would you think that?" He asks him.
"I fucked up! I didn't trust you! I trusted Peter, and look where the hell that got us! I killed James! Don't you fucking see?!" Sirius yells angrily.
"Don't you realize that we all blame ourselves? It isn't anybody's fault but Peter's! I'm more than happy to help you kill him, but I'm not sitting here and listening to your self-pitying bullshit!" Remus shouts back.
"You said you'd kiss me when we got inside. We're inside." Sirius says in an absolutely terrifying voice as he stands up and grabs you.
"Gross. You guys. Gross. Why do you always insist on traumatizing me?" Remus says. "Guys."
But Sirius keeps kissing you.
"I'm walking out now." Remus says.
"I'm sorry and I love you." Sirius says as soon as the door shuts behind Remus. This has to be his millionth time saying those six words.
"I love you too, and I'm sorrier."
"Sorry? Why the hell are you sorry?"
"I left you. I shouldn't have. I knew what was going on with you, but I didn't notice that you were pushing me away to see if I would fight to stay. I'm sorry, Sirius. I fucked up this time. This is a time when I need you to fix what I've fucked up." You say, almost desperately, putting your hand on his cheek.
"Merlin, Y/N! I'm tired of fixing all the shit you throw into the fan!" He says, but that means that everything's okay again.
You kiss him again.
"Would you really have jumped?" He asks you.
"Would you have?"
"Then yes."
"Well, good thing I didn't then, I guess. I truly don't think the world would last too long without you." He says.
"Funny. I was under the impression that it would stop spinning without you."

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