Sirius Black x Reader

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You try to get our of your parents' Christmas party by saying you need to stay at school for homework, but they won't hear of it. You try to get Lily to go with you, but she declines. You try Marleen, but she has plans. You beg James and Remus and Peter, but they can't go either.
"Ask Sirius. He'll go." James says.
"I don't think he wants to meet my parents." You say, even though it's more you than him who doesn't want that.
"Sure he does." Remus grins.
So, the next time you see Sirius, you ask, no matter how much it pains you.
"Hey, love." You smile as you sit beside him in the common room that evening.
He puts his arm around you. "Hey, babe. How was your test?"
"Good. I got an O." You smile.
"Good." He kisses your cheek. "I told you you'd do fine."
"Can I ask a favor?"
"Anything." He smiles, then drops it to look at you solemnly. "I'll kill someone."
You laugh. "No, nothing quite that big. I was just wondering if you'd wanna come to my parents' Christmas party with me."
"A Muggle Christmas party? Hell yes." He grins.
You were expecting a fight. "Really? It'll be boring."
He smirks. "Then we can sneak off to your room."
"Yeah, no. Not happening."
He laughs. "I know, babe. But yeah, I'll go. You know, these're dangerous times and all. Don't wanna send you off without protection. Also it'll piss my mum the fuck off. I'm gonna go write her."
"Sirius, no." You sigh, grabbing his hand as he starts to stand up. "No."
"Why not? I'm not telling her where or anything. Just the Muggle part."
He sits back down. "Why not?"
"You don't need to try to piss her off, Sirius."
"I'm staying with James over the break. I can piss her off as much as I want."
"Fine. Only because I'm desperate to stay in your good graces."

You go to get him at James' on the evening of the party. You stay there for much longer than you'd intended, partly because you don't want to go to the party, of course, but mainly because you got distracted talking to James and his parents. When you get to your house, most everybody's there, including Jordan, your ex.
You ignore him, of course, hoping to avoid the awkwardness that would follow his sighting you for as long as possible. You pull Sirius to where your parents are standing with your aunt.
"Hey. This is Sirius." You say with a smile, giving your mother a look that you hoped conveyed your displeasure about Jordan's presence. If she caught it, she ignored it.
Your parents love Jordan. If they had it their way, you'd be married as soon as you were old enough. But, luckily for you, arranged marriages are frowned upon today. Jordan was great and all, but it just wasn't going to work, and your parents didn't get that--especially your father.
It was supposed to be your father's job to dislike and intimidate boyfriends and impose curfews and tell you not to date, but your father ignored those responsibilities when it came to Jordan.
Your parents talk to Sirius for a while. They're still talking when Jordan sees you and comes over.
He wraps his arms around you and kisses you quickly. You aren't sure if it's out of habit or because he assumes Sirius is your boyfriend and he wants to intervene. "Hey, baby." He says, and you decide that it wasn't habitual. "You look beautiful. How've you been?"
You shoot your mother another look but quickly smile at Jordan. "Pretty good. And you?"
"Better now that I've seen you." He smiles charmingly.
Sirius is raising his eyebrows, and you really try to pretend you don't notice for now.
"Jordan, honey." Your mother says with a smile. "This is Y/N's friend Sirius."
You shift awkwardly. "That's my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend." Sirius agrees.
Jordan moves to shake his hand, but Sirius just looks at him, so he steps back, putting his arm around you.
"Get off me." You hiss.
"What? Just being friendly." Jordan answers quietly, smiling.
"No, you aren't. Why are you being such an asshole all of a sudden?"
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are. Get off me." You push his arm off.
"Why'd you bring him?" He asks, setting his drink down on the table on your other side and using it as an excuse to put his arm back around you.
"Because he's my boyfriend. Why are you here?"
"Your mum invited me." He smiles.
Your aunt looks at you apologetically, but follows your parents when they leave.
"Get your arm off of me." You repeat.
Sirius moves closer. "Are you deaf?" He snaps. "Get off."
"Sirius." You sigh.
Jordan moves his arm. "As you wish."
"Can we talk, Y/N?" Sirius asks cooly.
You grab his hand and pull him away from the crowd.
"Is that why you brought me here?" He snaps. "To watch you and that asshole all over each other?"
"Oh! Is that what that is?" You raise your eyebrows.
"Looks like you didn't need me here, huh, babe? Looks like you've got all the company you can handle."
"I didn't know he was gonna be here."
"How comforting." He snaps. "I'm gonna go home, Y/N. Have fun with your boyfriend."
"I broke up with him for a reason, Sir--"
"Oh, so you were dating. Brilliant. Bloody brilliant. Why'd you break up with him, then?"
You don't have an answer that would satisfy him. You shouldn't have said it. "Uh..."
"Right." Sirius shrugs. "Of course."
"The point is--"
"This is bullshit."
"Fine." You snap. "Go back. I'll be here with Jordan."
"Fine. I'll stay. But don't let him touch you with his filthy Muggle hands."
You raise your eyebrows. "Woah now."
"He's a whore and I don't like him." He says, half whining.
"You're a whore and I like you."
He laughs. "Thanks, babe. I appreciate that."
"Anytime, love." You smile. "So, you're good?"
"No. I'm still not happy."
"I'm really sorry. I had no idea he'd be here. And usually he's not a dick."
"How comforting."
After a while, you pull Sirius out into the back yard.
"What are we doing?" He asks skeptically. "Are you gonna kill me for trying to punch Jordan?"
You laugh. "No."
"Then why are we out here?"
"It was loud in there. I needed a break."
"Cool. As long as you need, babe." He smooths your hair down, leaving his hand on your hip.
You turn to kiss him, without warning for either of you.
"Should we be doing this here?" He asked, quickly, between kisses.
He pushes you up against the fence, pulling you closer with the hand on your hip. "I wish I could fuck you."
"Not here."
He gives a shit eating grin. "Let me make love to you, Y/N."
"Shut up." You laughed, nudging him off of you. "Leave my party."
"No can do, babe. You know I don't leave a party early."
"Yeah, I was counting on that."
He kisses your cheek. "I'm sorry I overreacted earlier, about your ex."
"It's okay. I probably should've warned you. I didn't know he'd be here."
"It's okay..." He trailed off. "Where's the music coming from? Not here?"
"No. The neighbor." You gesture behind you.
He took a step back, bowing a little and offering his hand. "May I have this dance?"
"Dance with me, babe."
You take his hand, and he pulls you in to a slow dance.
"I can waltz, you know." He comments.
"I know."
"Are you impressed yet?"
"You never fail to impress me, sweetheart."
"I must be doing something right, then."
"Or something very, very wrong, but perhaps."
"You act like you don't love it."
"I really, really do."
"I love you, Y/N."
You say nothing for a moment, caught off guard. You kiss his cheek lightly. "I love you too. Ready to go back inside?"
"No, but I suppose we ought to."
He offers his arm. "May I escort you?"
You laugh, taking it. "You may. Much obliged."
"Anything for you."

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