Sam Winchester x Reader

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You look at him from across the room.
"Hey, babe--" He begins, looking up from his computer. "What's wrong?" He asks instead.
"Nothing." You say, dropping your gaze.
Sam comes over to sit at the table with you. "What's up, Y/N?"
"Nothing." You repeat. You're shaking.
"You can tell me, baby." He says gently, reaching out and taking your hand.
"I... have to pee." You say, standing and rushing to the bathroom.
When you emerge, he's standing in the entrance to the hallway, blocking your exit. "Spill. What's wrong?" He says.
You walk up to him, nervously looking up to meet his eyes. "I have to tell you something." You say quietly.
"Yeah?" He prompts.
"I'm pregnant." You finally say, watching him closely for a reaction.
"P-pregnant?" He stammers, stumbling backwards until he gets to a wall. He leans against it. "Like..."
"Like pregnant. Please don't be angry--"
"W-with my....?"
You nod. "Yeah."
"Oh. Oh my God."
"I know. I'll leave, if you want. Please don't be upset, Sam. Don't be angry."
"Why would I be angry?"
"I know you don't want kids, and..."
"No, no, no. That's not it. That's not it at all. I've always wanted kids."
"You've always said you didn't."
"No. I just didn't want them put in danger with hunting and all. I want kids. I really do."
"You don't look happy." You say, choking back tears.
"Happy? I'm thrilled." He smiles widely, coming forward and hugging you, spinning you around. "This is amazing, babe." He kisses you.
"Are you sure?"
He nods, still grinning. "Oh my God." He says, clearing his throat and wiping his eyes with his sleeve. He kisses you again and lets out an elated laugh. "I have to call Dean."
"He'll be back in a bit. He already knows." You add quietly.
"You told him?" Sam looks at you weird.
You nod.
"I was afraid. He came to talk to me, and yeah."
"Why were you afraid?"
"I didn't want you to be upset."
"Why would I be upset?"
You shrug. "You said you didn't want kids."
He wraps you in his arms again. "God, this is great. This is amazing. What do you want to name the baby?"
"Well, see, I kind of cheated and talked to Cas--"
"Did you tell Crowley before you told me too?"
You look down guiltily.
"Really? Why'd you tell Crowley?"
"He called." You clear your throat. "Anyways. So, Cas said it's a girl."
Sam grins, forgetting his previous anger. "A girl!" He repeats absentmindedly.
"I was thinking we maybe could name her Charlie Marie? After Charlie and your mom?" You forge on. "But what do you think?"
He kisses you again. "I adore you."
"The name?"
"Charlie Marie. Perfect." He grins. "Perfect."
You nod. "Okay."
He kisses you. "This is amazing. I love you. Oh my God."
You smile.
"You'll be a great mom, baby." He smiles.
"You'll make a great--"
"Father." He says for you, letting you go and stepping away.
"This is what I was afraid of." You say anxiously.
"It's okay, Sammy. Please."
"You're right. Okay. It's okay."
You nod.
"But what if..."
"You won't be like your father. You're ten times the man he was." You reach out and take his hand.
He kisses you with a reassuring smile that was mainly to reassure himself. "You're right. We can handle this."
You nod and stand on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
Sam grins and kisses you again. "I love you."
"And I you."

I promise I'll start getting to y'all's requests soon. Sorry it's taken so long.

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