Tony Stark x Reader (Part I)

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"I've got you a birthday present." Your boss says.
You start to say that your birthday isn't for another six months, but you change your mind. "What is it?"
"I'm sending you to do an interview with a world-renown philanthropist." He says.
"Interview? No. I'm an editor, not a journalist. I--"
"You'll interview Tony Stark of Stark Industries this coming Saturday at 12:30." He says matter-of-factly.
"You're... But... Okay." You sigh, not pleased.

You arrive at Stark Tower at 12:30 on the dot.
The door opens before you ring the bell.
"Hello." The man who opened it says. "Right this way, please, Ms. Y/L/N."
You follow him through the maze of a building.
He knocks on a door. "Mr. Stark? Ms Y/L/N has arrived."
"Oh, great. Send her in." A voice comes from inside.
The man opens the door and gestures you in.
"Hey." Tony Stark says, holding out his hand. "I'm Tony. Nice to meet you."
You shake his hand, trying not to act as anxious as you feel. "Y/N, nice to meet you too." You force a smile.
"Have a seat. I must say, you aren't what I expected."
You glance at him as you sit down. "Thanks, I think."
"You'd be correct." He smiles as sits on the other side of the desk.
That was up front.
"Well, Mr. Stark--"
"Call me Tony."
"Tony." You correct. "Do you mind if I record this?"
"Not at all."
"I understand that Stark Industries is no longer manufacturing weapons. Why is that?"
"Well, as I'm sure you know, I was kidnapped by a terrorist cell in Afghanistan. I realized that manufacturing weapons was doing more harm than good."
"How did you come to that conclusion?"
"I never sold my weapons to terrorists--nor did my father. But more terrorists receive them than do the intended recipients. Being blown up by your own bomb is, naturally, a wake up call." He gave a little smile. "But, uh, I lost somebody who had become very important to me. Yinsen was his name. He saved my life."
"I see." You say quietly.
He looks down at something on his desk, clearing his throat.
You wait for him to make eye contact again before continuing. "What made you decide to do what you're doing now?"
"Well, this, once it is fully developed and understood, will be a much safer, more efficient means of electricity."
"Ah, so are you an environmentalist?"
"More like a populist, but that would work as well."
"What's your favorite... weekend activity?" You ask doubtfully. "I was given this list of questions, and this is irrelevant, I apologize."
"No matter. I've nothing but time." Tony Stark smiles. "Well. What answer would give me the best shot at getting you to spend said weekend activities with me?"
You open your mouth to answer, unsure what to say. You probably look like a fish, you're sure.
This is why you aren't a journalist.
"You strike me as a book type of girl. I'm gonna go with long, romantic walks on the beach and returning to a night of reading."
What the hell are you supposed to say?
"Interesting. And as for your business, how is it going since it's changed?"
"Quite well, actually."
"And how have you been, since your hostage crisis?"
"Well. I was sort of an insensitive jerk before. I like to think I've changed for the better."
"I understand that you were injured in Afghanistan. Are you healing okay?"
"Yes. All that can heal has been healed properly. There are some other things I'm dealing with as a result of it, but we're actively searching for a solution."
Your interview could not have been over soon enough.
"May I interview you now? You know, company stuff." He says.
"Um... Sure." You agree uncomfortably.
"On a scale of one to ten, how likely would you be to support Stark Industries?"
"On the same scale, how likely would you be to accompany me on a dinner?"
"On the same scale, how much did you like my answer for the weekend activity?"
"Well, that's fifty/fifty chance. I'll risk it. Would you grace me with your presence for dinner one evening?"
After a silent debate, you nod. "Yes."
"Lovely! I'll be in contact. Happy will show you out."
The same man that showed you in reenters, and you follow him out.
"Score!" Tony Stark says as the door shuts.

Hey, y'all. Sorry about my lack o updates, I've been super busy. I know I say this quite often, but I promise I'll get to y'all's requests soon.

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