Leo Valdez x Reader

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"Let me leave." You sigh.
"No." Will says.
"Nico says you can't leave until you're better."
"Nico can--"
"He's the boss, sorry."
"No you aren't"
"Not at all. Just tell me what's wrong and this'll be over."
"I'm fine, Will. Let me leave. I have stuff to do."
"You're not leaving until you're better." Nico says from his corner.
"I'm not ill, I'm okay."
"Yes you are. Just talk to him."
"Nico." You sigh.
"Do you wanna go get Leo?" Will asks.
"Gladly." Nico shoots you a rather smug look as he walks out, glad he's winning.
"This is so unfair." You mumble.
"He made me go to his stupid-ass boyfriend for a doctor."
"Are you insulting me or him?"
"Both of you. Let me leave."
Nico returns with Leo and gestures for Will to follow him.
Leo comes to sit on the edge of the bed you were forced into. "Are you okay?" He asks.
"I'm fine. It's just, you know. Stuff."
"You haven't told Mr. Grumpypants yet?"
You shake your head.
"Aren't you excited?" He asks, getting a huge grin on his face. "Gods, won't it be great? Leo Junior can go on adventures to McDonalds with his Uncle Nico--"
"Leo Junior?" You raise your eyebrows.
"Uncle Nico?" Nico demands, starting towards you. "Leo Valdez, you--"
Will slaps a hand over Nico's mouth, wrapping his other arm around him to hold him back. Nico mumbles angrily through his hand.
You turn back to Leo. "Leo Junior? No."
"Yeah, really, man. You're obviously gonna name him Will." Will says casually.
Nico briefly turned his righteous wrath to the blonde before turning back to you and Leo.
Nico eventually stops struggling.
"Can I let you go now?" Will asks.
Nico nods.
"Do I have to?"
Nico narrows his eyes, so Will lets him go. He walks calmly over to your bed and turns his terrifying glare to Leo. "You got my sister pregnant?" He demands.
"I... uh... Yes."
Nico turns to you. "You... You... Him?" He gestures to Leo.
"Nico." You sigh.
"If anyone's getting this kid named after them, it's me." Nico says, giving Will and Leo pointed looks. He earns a laugh from you.
"May I go now?" You ask.
"I don't care. Listen to your doctor." Nico says, and stalks out.
You look at Will.
"Um. Yeah. Go on." He says, and follows Nico.

Three years later, and your daughter, Bianca, is clinging to Nico's leg because she doesn't want to go home.
"Come on, sweetie. We save to go. Mommy's making dinner." Leo says.
"I don't wanna! I wanna stay with Tío." Bianca says with the assertiveness of a three year old.
"You can't. Come on."
"Make Tío come."
"Come on, Nico." Leo says.
"Um, no." Nico says.
"But Tío--" Bianca says, starting to cry.
"Okay, okay. I'll come. I'll come." Nico sigh, reaching down to pick her up.
She throws her arm around his neck and gives his cheek a slobbery kiss.

You can't cook and everybody knows it.
So Will swoops in with McDonalds.
"Man, I should've married you, huh?" Leo jokes.
"You stole my sister, you can't steal my husband too." Nico says.
Will kisses his cheek and puts his arm around him.
Leo plops down beside you. "Want another kid?"
"I heard that, Valdez. And I'll kick your--" He cuts off when he sees his niece looking up at him.
"Let's not have these conversations at the dinner table, shall we?" You say.
"We aren't at a table. We're in the living room." Leo points out.
"You're lucky I love you." You resist the urge to smile.
He grins cheekily. "I know."


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