Dallas Winston x Reader

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You're standing in the doorway to Johnny's hospital room. Ponyboy looks like crap. He's crying. Even Dally's crying. You freeze, swallowing hard. You want to turn and run, but you don't.
Dally stands up and punches the wall beside you before trying to walk out.
You hold your hands up to stop him from going out. "Dally. Stop. Chill."
"Don't fucking tell me to chill. Get out of my fucking way, man." He snaps, trying to step around you.
You step back in front of him. "Dallas. Please."
"Get out of my way." He grabs your arms and pulls you into the hospital room, storming out.
You run after him. He's holding a gun to a doctor's head, but when he pulls the trigger, nothing happens, and he laughs.
You grab a phone on the wall and call your dad.
"Hello?" His voice asks.
"Dad? I need your help."
"Yeah, kiddo?"
"Who's Johnny?"
You sigh, starting to cry. "Johnny's dead. And Dally's freaking out."
"Are you hurt?" He asks, sounding interested now. "Y/N?"
"No. But he has a gun--"
"It isn't loaded so please don't let anybody shoot him."
Your father sighs. "Are you with him?"
"No. He ran out. But if anything happens to him--"
"Yeah. You'll be upset and I'll have to deal with it. I'll do my best. But no promises."
"I can't promise."
"I have to go, Dad. Thank you."
You hang up and go back into the hospital room, wrapping your arms around Pony.
"Dally." He says. "Where's Dally?"
"I don't know."
"You need to find him. He's gonna blow. You need to look for--"
"I told my dad about it."
"But he hates cops."
"Yeah, well, he's gonna end up there anyway."
"Johnny. Johnny's dead."
"I know."
"He didn't wanna die. He always said he did but he didn't." Ponyboy starts crying.
"I know, sweetie." You say quietly, starting to cry too. "Come on. Let's get you home."

That night, when your dad comes home, he's dragging Dally behind him.
"Get your hands off me, man. Get these cuffs off. Let me go, man." Dally's snapping.
"Shut up." Your father growls.
Your mother raises her eyebrows. "What's this, honey?"
"Ask your child." Your father sounds irritated. He pushes Dally in your direction and tosses you the keys to the handcuffs.
"What the hell, Y/N?" Dally snaps.
Your dad hits the back of his head. "Don't talk ti my kid like that."
Dally shoots him his usual "fuck authority" look before turning to you. "Are you gonna take this shit off of me?"
"Not with that attitude." Your dad answers for you.
"Are you gonna run out?" You ask.
You take off the handcuffs and hand them and the keys back to your dad. "Come on, Dal. You need to call Pony and tell him you're okay."
"Fine." Dally says gruffly.
You wrap your arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry, Dally."
He wraps his arms around you, putting his face in your hair. "I don't know what to do anymore." He whispers before letting you go and standing up straight. "Where's the phone, baby girl?" He clears his throat.
He follows you to the phone, and you lean against the wall while he dials the Curtis' house.
"Hey, man. Ponyboy there?" He asks. "Shut up. Don't ask me that. Ever. Let me talk to Pony."
You'd just wanted to make sure he called, so you go back into the living room.
"I'm gonna go down to the Curtis' tonight." You tell your parents.
"I don't like you going to that part of town alone." Your father says.
"I won't be. Dally'll be there. And--"
"I don't like you going anywhere with him alone."
"How bad can be really be, honey?" Your mother asks. "He saved a bunch of kids from a burning building."
Dally walks in. "I only did that because Ponyboy and Johnny insisted on playing hero. I would've left them." He says gruffly. "Sorry to disappoint."
You stand from the couch. "I'm gonna go to Darry's. Will you come with me? You don't have to stay, but somebody doesn't want me to get there alone."
Your dad stands up, blocking the door. "You know you should be in jail, right, Winston?"
"You wanna take me in, or do you want me to protect your kid?" Dally asked.
"I don't want you anywhere near my kid. My kid's the only reason you're not rotting in a jail cell."
You sigh. "Come on, Dallas. Let's go."
"Don't call me Dallas." He puts his arm around your shoulders and pushes past your dad. "Y/N--" He says on the porch.
"Walk." You grab his arm and go down the steps.
He walks.
When you get down the street and out of sight of your parents' house, you pull him to a stop and kiss him.
"Can I stay at your place tonight?" He asks, twisting your hair around his fingers.
"Sure. But you have to stop being a dick to my parents."
"I'm nice to your mom."
"I know. I want you to be nice to my dad too. He's the reason you aren't dead."
"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I wanted to be dead? I don't like not getting what I want, Y/N."
You raise your eyebrows. "Yeah, neither do I, Dallas. And I always get what I want."
"Yeah, because you're a spoiled brat."
"I know." You smile sweetly. "Let's go."
"Can we wait and go tomorrow? I'm tired."
"But Dally--"
"Okay. But your clothes are dirty. We should go to your place."
"Don't care where we go. Let's just go."
"Why are you so dirty?" You ask as you start towards Dally's house.
"Oh, yeah. Who won, by the way?"
"We did. Sorry to disappoint."
"I don't care either way. Everyone else okay?"
"Guess so. Pony and I left pretty quick."
When he opens the door, the volume of the music from inside increases. He pulls you through the crowd and up to his room, closing and locking the door.
"Come here." He reaches for you.
"Change first."
You lay down on his bed, closing your eyes. You'd gone to your parents' house so you could cry for Johnny, but apparently you aren't done. You don't want to cry in front of Dally, though.
You open your eyes to see him taking off his shirt. He has a bandage on his side.
"What happened to you?" You ask.
"Daddy dearest forced first aid on me."
"I figured that much. Why did you need it?"
"Got shot. Long story. Don't ask, 'cause I'm not telling."
You sigh and sit up. "What did you do today, Dally?"
He sits down beside you. "Can I ask you something?"
"Why do you waist your time with me? You can't fix me or anything. I'm never going to change. You're gonna get hurt."
"Or you could not hurt me."
"I don't... want to. It's inevitable."
"Since when did you care about the future? Be in the present."
"Fine. Then kiss me." He wraps his arms around you and pulls you to lay down. "Are you gonna stay all night?"
"I was going to, unless you want me to leave."
"No. I was just wondering if I was gonna have to walk you home."
"I can walk myself home."
"I know. But I'd rather take you." He kisses your neck. "I want a drink. Do you want a drink?" He starts to get up.
You pull him back down. "Come back."
He lays back down. "Do you want a change of clothes or something? I can get you a shirt."
"You just want it to be easier to get my clothes off." You smile.
"Hey, if that's what you want, baby." He smiles charmingly.
"Shut up. I'll change later, after you go to sleep."
"Suit yourself, baby girl."
"Dally, are you okay?"
He sighs, annoyed. "If you were anyone else, I'd kick your ass."
"But I'm me. So what're you gonna do?"
"Ignore it."
"You love me." You give a cheeky grin.
"Fuck it, I do."

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