Loki Laufeyson x Reader

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"I'm the god of mischief! The god of lies! I am more powerful than you and all of your friends combined! You haven't the slightest chance of defeating me!" Loki shouts at Thor. "I win every time!"
"Loki, darling. You forget." You look up from the big, leather-bound book in your lap.
"Except with Y/N. She always wins." He corrects.
"Much better." You smile, and look back down to the book.
He turns his attention back to Thor. "I'm the most dangerous man you'll ever meet."
"What does he forget this time, Y/N?" Thor asks.
"Nothing. He truly is the most dangerous man you'll ever meet. Now, would you two stop arguing? It's almost time for dinner, and I know nobody at the table will find this as amusing as I do." You mark you page and close the book. "Apologize."
"Me?" Thor asked. "He's the one making threats."
"Both of you. You started it this time."
"Fine. I apologize, brother." Thor says.
"I don't." Loki says.
"Loki." You warn.
He sighs. "Fine. I apologize."
Thor leaves, and you stand and go over to Loki.
He holds out his hand to carry your book, but you shake your head. "Y/N?"
"Yellow suits you." He smiles.
"Well, thank you." You smile. "I'm gonna go put this away and I'll be back for dinner."
"Are you scared of me?" He puts his hand on your arm.
"Me? No. But something tells me I should be."
"You're just now starting to think that? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain you've known me far too long for that to just now happen."
You laugh. "I'm not scared of you. What's the worst you can do, say you love me?"
He sighs. "Probably. Just a heads up, by the way. Father invited your family tonight because he wants you to marry Thor."
"Joke's on him, then." You smile.
"I'm not marrying Thor."
"Even if your father says to?"
"He won't."
"How can you be sure?"
"I made him sign a magically binding contract." You grin.
"I'm truly afraid that I love you."
"You should be afraid."
"Why?" He raises his eyebrows.
You smile sweetly. "Because I'm more dangerous than you."
You put the book in your room. Loki had given it to you; he thought you would like it. It was rather a bore, but you pretend to like it.
Odin sits at one end of the table, with Frigga to his right. Your father sits to his left, and your mother sits beside him. You sit beside your mother, across from Loki. Thor sits between his mother and brother.
After you eat, Frigga goes outside with you, Thor and Loki. After a while, your father calls you back into the house.
"How would you feel about marriage?" He asks.
"The prince of Asgard."
"Which one?"
"I'd prefer not."
Your father looks visibly pained. "Why not, darling?"
"Because I don't want to."
Odin cracks a smile. "Because of his manners?"
"Oh, no. He's very well mannered." You smile. "Is that all, Father?"
Odin speaks up again. "Are you implying you'd like to marry Loki?"
"No, sir. I'm most definitely not. I was simply saying I'd rather Loki than Thor, if those are my only options."
"Are you implying my sons aren't good enough for you?"
"Of course not. Just not right for me. If you'll excuse me, Loki was beating me at chess." You bow and exit the room.
Loki raises his eyebrows as you sit back down across from him. "You look mortified."
"You look amused."
Thor comes over. "Can you two finish up your game? It's incredibly dull."
"It's stimulating for the mind, brother." Loki answers.
Just as Loki says "Checkmate!" very enthusiastically, Odin and your father come outside to join Frigga and your mother under the gazebo.
When your father says it's time to go, Thor bows to you. "It's been fun. I thoroughly enjoy somebody beating my brother at anything."
"And I enjoy beating your brother at anything." You answer with a smile.
Loki bows and kisses your hand. "Let's not let it be so long between visits, shall we?"
"I certainly hope not."
"Every time you leave, I forget just how much of a pleasure it is to be the object of your attention, and every time you return, it hits me full in the face."
You smile. "What a smooth-talker."
"Oh, yes." He smiles.
Yes, you would much rather Loki.
As soon as you get home, your father turns to you. "Never act that way in public again."
"What did I do?"
"Don't insult the sons of the king of Asgard."
"I didn't. I simply said I didn't want to marry Thor. You're the one who asked me in front of Odin."
"You aren't marrying Loki."
"I didn't say I wanted to."
"Honey." Your mother says. "She's an adult. Let her decide what's good and bad for her."
"What? So Loki's bad for me?" You raise your eyebrows.
"Yes!" Your father snaps.
"That's not what I'm saying." Your mother says calmly. "I'm simply saying that perhaps he's not the best for you."
"Why not?"
"Conniving. Deceitful. Untrustworthy. The god of mischief and lies." Your father reminds you.
"It doesn't matter, I'm not marrying him." You smile. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
Not long after you've been in your room, there's a sound at your window. You get up to look out, and Loki's right outside. Your eyes widen as you open the window. Your room is near the top of a turret, and there's no feasible way for anybody to get to your window. "How did you get up here?"
"Climbed, obviously." Loki smiles.
"No you didn't."
"No, I didn't. I'm at the bottom. Come see me?" He asks, and the illusion fades.
You go down the stairs as quickly as you can. You find him waiting, leaning against the wall. He smiles when you come out the door. "You look ravishing." He says.
"I'm in my pajamas." You smile.
"No matter. You look marvelous in anything." He takes your hand and kisses it. "It's a pleasure to see you again."
"It's been less than five hours."
"A tedious five hours, I assure you. Shall we go on a walk?"
"Let me go change."
"Don't bother, we won't be long." He slides his jacket off and holds it out for you to put your arms through.
"Thanks." You smile as you pull it around you.
You walk around the house, not really talking much. When you do talk, you whisper, even though there's nobody out there to hear. After a while, Loki pulls you away from the building and lays down. You lay beside him, looking up at the stars. He tells you the constellations and how they got their names, and you pretend to care.
"Is this what you came here for? To walk around the house and look at the stars?" You ask as you're walking back.
"No. But it worked out better than my original plan, so we'll go with it."
"What was the original plan?"
"Tell me, I want to know."
"No. As I said, I like this better, and so do you."
"How do you know what I would like best? I don't even know what it is."
"Goodnight, my dearest." He kisses your cheek as he walks you to the door you'd come out of.
"Goodnight, Loki." You hug him before turning to go inside.
"Y/N?" He says suddenly. "What would you say if I asked you to run away with me?"
"I'd ask where to."
"Wherever you want—Midgard."
"I'd ask for fifteen minutes to pack and get ready and if you've told your mother."
"And if I said I did?"
"I'd go pack."
He smiles and kisses you. "Go pack."

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