Small World

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It had been a few weeks, but you still felt broken. You still cried a lot, which only made you feel more pathetic. Not more pathetic than finding your boyfriend for almost 2 years cheating on you. You and Joe had always been the greatest couple, which only made Joe's cheating worse. Your best friends knew how broken you were so they had invited you on a little holiday to get away from everything.
The journey to the resort went smoothly and it was nice to just be away with your best friends. After you had all checked into the resort, you decided to go down in the lobby to figure out the wifi situation whilst your best friends finished packing out. As soon as you stepped into the lobby you froze. The voices you heard was too familiar and you soon got eye contact with Caspar. It was obvious that he had no idea how to react and neither did you. Your eyes now wandered over on Oli and Joe who both looked at you with huge eyes. You could feel yourself panic and you had no idea what to do. Do you say hi or do you just ran away? You decided to be mature and walk over to them.

"Y/N, hi. What are you doing here?" Caspar asked when you approached them and you could feel Joe's gaze on you, which unfortunately gave you butterflies in your stomach.

"I'm just here with some of my friends, what about you?" you asked as you hugged Caspar and then Oli. As you and Joe locked eyes you could feel every feeling that is possible to feel bottle up inside of you, and you realized that you missed him more than ever.

"Just a lads holiday," Oli answered your question as Joe put his arms around you. It was weird being in his arms again and you just wanted to stay there forever. Your hug lasted a bit longer than you thought it would have, and you gave each other a small smile when you pulled away from each other.

"I better go find my friends again," you said trying to get away from the slight awkward situation that was about to evolve. The three boys nodded and you caught Joe's eyes before you turned around to leave the lobby. Out of all hotels in the whole world how was it possible that you and Joe were staying at the same one?

After briefing your friends about the Joe-situation you had decided that it was time to get some drinks and forget about the whole situation. You all walked into the hotel bar and found yourselves a table. You ordered drinks and started the girl talk but Joe wouldn't leave your mind. Just as the thought ran through your mind Oli, Caspar and Joe walked into the bar, and you instantly caught eyes with Joe. You watched as Joe made his way over to your table and you could feel how nervous it made you.

"Why is Joe on his way over here?" one of your friends whispered to your and you shrugged your shoulders as Joe approached you.

"I'm sorry to bother you ladies, but can I borrow Y/N for a minute?" Joe asked and you couldn't help but feel flattered that he wanted to talk to you.

"Go ahead," one of your friends answered in a cold tone. They were all really cautious around Joe knowing what he had done to you. You gave them all a reassuring smile before you walked with Joe to a quiet corner. Oli and Caspar were by the bar watching as you walked away together. You stopped just outside the bar where none of your friends could observe or overhear your conversation.

"What do you want Joe?" you asked in a slightly cold tone as you tried to sound like you didn't care at all, which was a total lie. Joe looked nervously at you and you instantly felt bad for him.

"I know that you will never forget me for what I've done, but I really miss you Y/N. Seeing you again made me realize how much I missed you and I.... I still love you," Joe said before taking your hands in his, making your belly tickle. You tried not to smile but you couldn't.

"I don't know what to say... What you did broke me, Joe. And I'm not sure I'm ready to just forgive and forget," you answered as you looked down onto the floor. Joe sighed.

"You don't have to forgive and forget. Give me one more chance and I promise I'll make it up to you everyday I live. I don't like my life without you in it," Joe explained and you could feel yourself getting emotional.

"I don't know, Joe..." you said but you knew he had almost convinced you. Joe placed a hand on your cheek before he moved his head closer to yours.

"Just tell me what this makes you feel," Joe whispered towards your lips before he placed a deep kiss on your lips, making every part of your body tickle. Every feeling you had ever felt for Joe rushed back into your body making you feel like you were floating. Joe pulled away from you and both of you were smiling.

"Maybe we can try," you said in a low voice which made Joe's smile bigger.

"I promise you that you won't regret this," Joe said in a convincing tone before he joined his lips with yours again, in another amazing kiss.

BY: thatchesjoeimagines on tumblr 

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