January 14, 1934

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Dear Diary,

It's me, Steve. I just had to write in about the amazing time I had with James today. Oh! I asked him about his last name so he told me his full name was James Buchanan Barnes but he goes by Bucky for short. I guess that's based on his middle name. I don't know why he doesn't go by James. I like that name.

We went to Coney Island today, Mom gave me money for entry and cotton candy. I had so much fun too. As almost everyone I know understands, I don't do roller coasters. They're scary and it's hard to breathe when I'm on them and afterwards I'm dizzy and nauseated and it's terrible. But Bucky made me go on one anyway, and it was his favorite one, too. I felt bad saying no because he was kind of my first real friend and I didn't want to let him down... plus he was nagging me to so I eventually caved. I barfed afterwards. But let me say this, it was absolutely 100% worth it.

We got home a little late... 10 minutes past my 9 o'clock curfew.  Mom got mad because she knew it had to have been all Bucky's fault... seeing how I would never do anything like that. She was right but I took the blame and he was grateful.

In the end it was a fun time and he asked if we could hang out again on Monday at the park.

And of course, I said yes.

~ S. G. Rogers

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