January 24, 1925

992 35 126

Dearest Diary,

I was gonna, really, I was. But I didn't. So, he did... then, so did I.


"Steve," he rolled over and spooned against my back. "Wake up," he whispered into my ear.

"I'm awake," I chuckled. "What do you want so early?"

"I want you to get up, I have an adventure planned for us," he threw the covers off of himself and got out of bed.

"An adventure?" I looked at the clock. "It's not even 6 o'clock yet and the sun's barely up. What could you possib-"

"No more questions," he walked around to my side of the bed and kissed me. "Get up, I'll tell you about it when we get halfway there."

I did what I was told and got dressed and ready and hopped in the car and let him drive us... to the 'new' new Avengers facility in upstate New York.

"What the Hell are we doing here again?" I asked as we got out of the car.

"Well, to be fair, I didn't come with you last time you came here," he pointed out. "And, I told you, it's a surprise. What about that word don't you understand?"

"It's okay, he's Captain America, he doesn't have to understand big words," Tony interrupted from behind us.

I approached him and shook his hand, and Bucky was right behind me this time.

"What's going on?" I wondered.

"Oh, hush," Tony ordered. "You should already have a pretty good idea as to what's happening if you're here and I am, too."

We followed him inside, where he handed us our time-travel hand devices without explaining them, because he's done that last time. We, then, walked over to the machine and stood on top of it.

Bucky equipped his suit. "Ready," he announced.

"Me, too," I added, after doing the same.

"Lemme just check with Barnes, over here, that I got everything right," Tony started. "Date: January 24, 1925. Times: 2:40pm through 9:40pm. Location: not far from here."

"Sounds good," Bucky replied.

"All right," Tony agreed. "I'll pull you both back in 5 seconds my time, seven hours, yours. Three... two... one-"

Everything flashed white and we swirled into the past to a date that I was too young to ever remember living.

We arrived together, our suits removing themselves by default. I felt him looking at me, but I only looked around. I didn't know where we were at first, especially because it was about 12 years later than anything I'd ever actually seen here.

"Figure it out, yet?" Bucky wondered.

"Hmm, I'm kinda stumped right now. Got any hints for me?"

"It corresponds with the last date we travelled back to," he replied.

"By God," I breathed sharply out. "July 4, 1936 we were here and... this is that place at Upstate New York, isn't it?"

"Actually, it's more of a 'we will be here' rather than 'we were here' because, technically, it's 1925... but, yea, it is," he answered.


"Is why not? a good enough answer?"

"I'll take it," I smiled. "But, um, I have to ask why the Hell it got so dark suddenly if it's the middle of the day."

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