March 10, 1934

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Dear Diary,

Today was Bucky's 17th birthday. Gosh golly, the age difference of only a year feels like a whole lot more seeing how I won't be 16 for another 4 months.

Bucky doesn't have that good of a family life. Sure, he and Rebecca are the only children his parents have, but it doesn't seem like they notice they're there half the time.

My mom, however, loves him. She thinks it's great that I've finally found a friend - someone who's in the same boat as I am. She baked him a cake for his 17th but it was a surprise.

She gave me money, enough for the both of us to have an awesome time at Coney Island for the whole day (including lunch and dinner)! When we got back home at 8 the cake was all set up and nicely decorated in the dining room table. The smile on his face could not have been brighter nor the gleam in his eyes sparklier.

Today I got my first 'friend hug'. Well, I've never really had friends so the opportunity never presented itself. But now that I do, and he was so happy, it felt so natural. I don't know, that sounds weird. Nevermind.

~ Steven Grant Rogers

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