May 11, 1936

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Dear Diary,

This is gonna be a good day... finally.

We're doing something different, something like we used to do a long time ago, something I really missed.


I woke to a car horn.

3:47 pm.

I sat up and looked out the window... what the hell is a Black Buick doing here in the middle of the afternoon?

I watched as a man opened the door and stepped out, closing the door behind him.


I run over to the mirror and try to fix my hair and messed up shirt... it was no use. I had fallen asleep on the couch and there was no way I would be able to fix my appearance before knocked on the door, so I dealt with it.

I heard him knock and walked over to unlock it.

"Steve... you look really, really tired... you okay?" His eyebrows furrowed. He looked worried.

"Oh," I chuckled. "Yea, I just woke up... I guess I fell asleep on the couch."

"Mmm alright..." he said calmly, his eyes flickering to my lips, looking like he wanted to kiss me. Ugh, I wanna to kiss him too, but my mom was right there in the other room. He took in a slow, deep breath. "So, Dracula's Daughter is premiering tonight and there's a special thing going on at the park..." he looked away, "well, it's a drive in..."

I felt a smile growing on my face, "never been to a drive-in..." I said.

"Well, the only thing is that it's in Camden... it's at the first drive in theater ever made, some place on Crescent Boulevard, I think," he replied.

"Never been."

"Me either... apparently it's two hours from here but I got my dad's Buick and I figured... I dunno, a mini road trip would be fun... so what d'you say?" He asked.

Okay is it just me or did that sound like he asked me on a... no way. No way he just asked me that like it was a... is it? A date? No, can't be.

"I think it's a great idea, yea. I'd love to go," I admitted, letting my giddiness show through my vocal tone.

"Awesome..." he leaned in to hug me and squeezed me tight in his strong arms. I wrapped my significantly smaller arms around his neck and moved my fingers across his neck and in his hair, letting my face rest on his broad shoulder. His scent overwhelmed me... sweet vanilla shampoo, spearmint toothpaste and his strong, woody cologne. His arms pulled at my waist as he bent down and tightened his grip. I could hear his heart pumping and his lungs inflating through his chest.

But it was all over too soon.

He pulled away halfway and met my ear. His face felt... scratchy. "Buck, you tryna grow a beard?" I said lightly into his ear with a slight tone of disbelief.

He chuckled. "Yea, I thought I'd give it a shot... Uh, you ready to go?" He murmured into my ear as he pulled away completely.

I exhaled from the sudden release of pressure on my abdomen. "Yea, lets go... lemme just tell my mom real quick that I'm going."

I walked into the other room, all the while feeling his eyes drill holes in my back as he watched me walk away. My mom said yes, of course and told me to have fun... that meant she was okay with my staying out late as long as I was with Bucky.

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