January 17, 1944

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Dear Diary,

I've had such an incredible time here at camp with Bucky, I just don't know what to do with myself now that its kind of, well, ending.

I mean, it's not like I'll never see him again after today... it's just that Peggy called General Philips from some headquarters (that I'm not supposed to talk about for whatever reason) and she said that I was needed in London, England.

Though, for my actions in saving almost the entirety of the 107th infantry, they told me I was to receive a medal of valor but, instead, Peggy called. Of course these two things have to fall on the same day, don't they?

Well, at least I was told I could bring a few... friends, right?


Upon arriving, I was needed almost right away. They were questioning me about what it was I saw at the Hydra base.

After I told them that I had seen a map with other Hydra locations marked on it, they were all over the idea of having me map it all out.

"The fifth one was here in Poland, right near the Baltic," I explained to Peggy as she stood there just watching me, marking the almost exact location on the massive map that had been provided. "And the sixth one was- about here... 30-40 miles west of the Maginot line."

The man that had stood on my left looked at me and then took the map away as I finished. "I just got a quick look," I told her after he had left us.

"Well, nobody's perfect," she replied, her voice lilting in a way that led me to believe she was implying that I was perfect as she smiled and walked to the next room where I was to follow her.

There, was a big map in the middle fo the room with markers all across it denoting where the known facilities were located. "These are the weapon factories we know about. Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map."

"Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6," General Philips started. "I want every allied eyeball looking for that main Hydra Base."

"What about us?" She asked him.

"We are gonna set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass," he answered, taking a folder of papers from a blonde woman who wouldn't stop eyeing me. "What do you say, Rogers? It's your map. You think you can wipe Hydra off of it?"

"Yes, sir," I told him. "I'll need a team."

"We're already putting together the best men," he replied, thinking he was helping me.

"With all due respect, sir... so am I," I replied, remembering that I had an 'event' set up for us for later.

• • •

That evening, I was meeting with a few of my best men, Bucky included, at Crocker's Folly... a bar close to the hotel Agent Carter had us all stationed at for the night.

We were at a round table, all of us, attempting to discuss the means about what I planned. Bucky sent me over here all alone, claiming I could do this alone, though, I'm not so sure about that. Especially with Dum Dum Dugan over here drinking as much as he is.

"So let's get this straight," Dugan started, slamming his beer glass against the table.

"We barely got outta there alive, and you want us to go back?" Jones jumped in.

I sat there for a second thinking about what they'd said. "Pretty much,"I finally said.

"Sounds rather... fun, actually," Jack replied.

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