July 4, 1936

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Dear Diary,

I wasn't sure at first if he would even answer the phone when I called him, but he did and was surprisingly okay with the idea I had in mind and told me to meet him at the 'new' new Avengers facility (the one we built after Thanos destroyed the last one) in an hour.


"Thank you, Tony, so much for doing this," I turned the car off and approached him, shaking his hand.

"Of course," he replied. "Anything for the man who brought me and countless others back from the dead. Barnes," he greeted Bucky.

"Tony," he shook his hand, too.

I smiled. "So, what's the plan?"

"Well, we still have your suit," he began, walking us through the doors leading into the facility that had been identical to the one that had stood there before it. "But, we never made one for Barnes because at the time, well, he didn't exist... so, I looked through his stats and, since he won't be fighting in it like the rest of us had been, he'll probably fit in Sam's, Rhodes', or mine."

We approached a locked metal case where Tony opened it with his eye scanner to reveal the hand-pieces that would forge the suits. "Sounds good to me."

Tony grabbed mine and handed it to me. "Barnes, I'll give you Sam's," he headed it to him. "It seems like the closest fit."

"Thanks," Bucky replied, taking it with a smile. "But, I still don't really know how this all works."

"Don't worry, it's not that bad," I replied as we followed Tony to the somewhat smaller device he had rebuilt in his spare time that I had used to return the stones.

"Yea," Tony added. "It really isn't. You won't even realize it's happening until it's over- and I'll be sure to explain it all beforehand."

"Okay," Bucky answered reluctantly.

"So, you place the hand-piece on your hand like so," he placed his own that he'd taken from the cabinet on his hand and we followed his instructions and demonstration. "This grey button on top equips the suit with ease," he clicked it and his suit surrounded him without the helmet. "Like this. The other button, the green one, equips the helmet. The red button is the one that'll bring you back to the future if you wanna come back earlier than I can pull you back."

"So, how long will we be there, then?" Bucky wondered.

"For you? A few hours, between two and six preferably, I'll let you guys decide. For me, it'll be no more than ten seconds."

"Buck, what're you thinking?" I asked.

"I think five hours would be enough time, right?" he came back.

"Alright, five hours it is," I agreed.

"Okie dokie," Tony replied, walking over to the switch board and programming everything in. "You guys will stand on the platform and I'll count down when you're about to go."

"Where will it be taking us, exactly?" I asked as we stepped up onto the platform.

"Well, where - and should I say when - are you trying to go?" Tony returned.

I looked at Bucky, who I hadn't told any of this to yet. "Uh, Brooklyn Heights; July 4, 1936. The address is 569 Leaman Place."

"Oh, okay, by the Brooklyn Bridge," Tony remarked. "I'll have you teleported back to what is now the Cadman Plaza Park just off of what is now Cadman Plaza West at 9:00am on July 4, 1936. Does that sound like what you wanted?"

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