April 27, 1938

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Dear Diary,

If it hasn't been obvious at this point, I'm a complete dumbass.

Jumping out of that bathroom window was literally the worst idea ever. Though, if I recall correctly, it was Bucky's idea to begin with.

Either way, I hurt my wrist real bad and we don't exactly have the money right now to go to the doctor.

Here lies the problem.


"Ouch, Buck... be careful. That really- HEY! Cut it out Buck!" I yelped in pain.

"Well, we gotta wrap it somehow... ya can't just leave it like this, Steve."

"Well, you don-"

"Okay calm down you big baby, I'll be gentle- promise."

He handled my arm extremely carefully after that.... it was so sweet.

I took my eyes away from his gentle hands to gaze into his eyes. He was so focused and- ugh, when he sticks his tongue out... ugh.

"There. Done," he announced, placing my arm down gently.

As he gets up I feel my heart skip a beat and my chest fill with this stabbing pain... like knives.

"Wait-" I said, stopping him.


"Where are you going?" I asked, not wanting him to leave me.

"I'm turning on the radio, Steve," he told me, reaching for the dial and turning it until he hit a good song. "Love this musical..." he whispered, lightly singing along to the tune.

It was another song from A Damsel In Distress called Nice Work If You Can Get It and is sung by Fred Astaire, obviously.

He then walked over to my spot and laid next to me, cuddling me and holding me. God, he always knows what to do.


This is just what I need right now.

~ S. R.

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