June 2, 2012

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Dear Diary,

The jet got us from wherever the Hell we were, to wherever the Hell we were going in less than an hour. Hell, we went from sunlight and daytime to the local time being 12:04am.

I doubt even Howard Stark could have predicted technology as advanced as this coming into play and he's, well, he's Howard Stark, so.

I've just been informed that we're actually in Germany, apparently. God, I fucking hate this place. Well, not that it's the people or anything... not that I know enough about the place, even, or enough actual German people to have an opinion on any of it- but everything terrible seems to happen to me when I'm here.

Hell, this is where I lost Bucky. This is the last place I was before I was presumed dead. What could possibly be next?


First, Agent Coulson directed me to a locked vault. I walk in, and the wall has my name on it, reading CPT STEVE ROGERS and my new suit rests above it, along with my shield.

God, it looked almost exactly like my old one, but better and more... useful.

They had me hover above the city, Stuttgart, in the hopes that no one would see me in the smaller jet as I entered onto Konigstrasse. We flew over what looked like a whole lot of people kneeling before the man who's name was, apparently, Loki.

I opened the door at the side where they directed me to then jump out. I heard a weapon begin to charge up, just as they did at Hydra's camps back in the day. What a Hell of a flashback.

I jumped down and landed just before this elderly man and blocked the blue colored beam. Was it something with the color blue that made things more powerful and terrifying?

The beam hit Loki and knocked him off of his feet, sending him face planting into the ground.

"You know," I started, walking towards him. "The last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing."

"The soldier," he regards me, chuckling and rising to his feet. "The man out of time."

"I'm not the one who's out of time," I told him, listening to the roar of the jet, piloted by Agent Romanoff, fly up behind me.

"Loki, drop the weapon, and stand down," she announced over the P.A. system.

Though, he had no intention of listening to her, as he started shooting directly at her directly thereafter. She moved the jet out of the way and I threw my shield at him, starting a brawl between us as everyone around us scrambled to get away.

He knocked me down and my shield out of my hand, so I started punching at him... though, he was a lot stronger than I had originally anticipated. Who the Hell is this guy?

And, again, I'm down... the only difference is that, this time, he placed the butt of his staff on my helmet, telling me, aggressively, to "kneel."

I pushed it out of the way and kicked him. "Not today," I said.

From the ground where I ended up, yet again, I heard music start to play extraordinarily loudly. I looked up at Agent Romanoff in confusion.

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