January 30, 1936

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Dear Diary,

When my mom left this morning, she knew it was going to snow real bad today. However, I don't think she anticipated having to make a phone call home about it telling me that she was staying there overnight due to the weather getting worse by the minute.


The phone rang three times before I answered it.

"Hello?" I said groggily, picking the black phone up and resting my other hand on the base to which it was connected via the curly chord.

"Oh Steven, how nice to hear you're alright. Are you and James doing alright there on your own?" She sounded worried.

"Yea mom, we're fine. Don't worry about us," I reminded her.

"Well, I don't know about that but.... anyway. Have you had dinner? It's nearly seven," she pointed out.

"Oh uh..." I paused. We hadn't eaten all day. "Yea, yea... we did. Just an hour ago... we can manage," I stumbled on my words.

"Hmmm alright. Well, I won't be home tonight, I hope you all will be okay without me," she somewhat asked.

"Of course we will, mom."

"Alright... I'm just a phone call away darling if you need me, okay? I'm staying at the little motel down the street, you know the one, don't you?"

"Yea, mom, I remember," I assured her.

"Oh, good. Well, I'll let you go then. Ill see you and James tomorrow morning, or perhaps in the afternoon depending on the storm," she told me.

"Sure thing, mom."

"I love you, Steven, have a good night," she said, kindly.

"You too, bye," and I hung up and headed for my spot on the couch again.

It was a blizzard out there, you see, and Bucky was supposed to stay at my house to keep me company while mom was working today... though, now it looked like he'd be sleeping over, too.

I looked out the window from my seat on the couch and I could barely see anything at all. There were no cars nor people out there and all that I could see was maybe a building here or there across the way, but everything else was doused in white. Little bits of frozen snow crackled on the window I was looking out of and even just looking out of it's clear frames made me shiver. It was like the cool air was somehow seeping through.

There was a blanket on my legs, as I was very cold despite the nice fire Bucky was working on. He didn't seem fazed by the eighteen some odd inches of snow we were getting, as a matter of fact, he seemed to enjoy it.

He took a metal stick and moved the charred logs about in the fireplace. I fixated on the flames movements and the readjustment of the red hot embers. Then, out of nothing, the lamps and lights all flickered off. All that was left was the orange projection of the fire on Bucky's face.

"Steve... what the hell?" I could just barely see his face when he turned to look at me.

"Shit. We lost power," I stated.

"Yea, no shit Sherlock," he announced. "What're we gonna do?" He asked.

"There ain't nothing we can do, Buck. It's just us and the fire so hopefully that's enough to keep us warm until mom gets back..."

"But we haven't eaten either... you got anything we could have?"

"Maybe in the pantry. We oughta get some candles too... I can barely see anything. There are some in the drawer in the kitchen," I mentioned. He stood and headed for the drawer first, pulling out three small burnt down candles and bringing them over.

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