July 31, 2012

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Dear Diary,

So, it's mostly been boring around and about, you know.

Oh, shit, right... the whole Loki thing. Yea, that's been over for a while now.

It was a lot to write down in the midst of combat, which is why I stopped after June 3. I think filling in just main details should suffice, right? Yea, let's go with that.

Basically, we stole a jet and headed to Stark Tower in New York City to find Loki because, where else would he be, according to Tony. Whatever, we based it all on a gut feeling and that probably wasn't the best idea, but there we were anyway.

Turned out we were right, so that's all good and whatnot. What followed though, that by far wasn't easy in any sense of the word, despite what Tony told us to expect.

He said, 'to hell with Nick Fury, it's all of us versus one of him, what could we possibly have to be afraid of?' And, by 'us', he meant himself, the genius, a man self-made of metallic armor; Thor, Loki's brother, the demigod; me, the super soldier, a living legend who kinda lives up to the legend; Bruce Banner, a man with breathtaking anger-management issues; Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, a couple of master assassins: The Avengers, the group of pissed off so-called 'remarkable' people who were assembled so that we could be 'something more', something capable of fighting the battles no one else ever could- or, whatever.

That's what we were told to become and, so we did... we did just what they told us to do, though, even then we weren't exactly prepared for everything that was coming.

We followed Thor to Stark Tower and fought Loki there from inside our jet, trying to keep him out of the big fight after the Chitauri started... coming out of the sky, I guess? Honestly, the logistics of all that super sciency stuff aren't exactly something I can explain all that well, despite the fact that I, myself, am a super sciency being, I suppose.

After Loki shot me, Barton and Romanoff out of the sky, we knew we had to get back to Stark Tower and close the... galactic portal that had somehow opened above The City. Though, as soon as we saw that... giant, snake-like thing fly out of the hole, we knew we had to stay on the ground and fight the Chitauri from there.

This battle - this war - it felt like my first real display of what I could do. Before this, before battling these extraterrestrials, I never really saw an end to my abilities. Through this, I'm learning what I can do, what I can't do... what I'm really good at and how well I work with other team members.

Hell, I even started commanding the NYPD, you know, seeing as I know New York better than anyone else I know... other than Bucky, maybe.

And, basically, it all came down to Nick Fury's administration being overridden by the council, who then decided to Nuke the entire city. Seriously? We're going to obliterate America's beginnings, New York City, into a pile of nothing, along with every last living thing that calls it home, including me and the rest of Earth's so-called 'heroes'?


Luckily, Stark ended up directing the rogue bird into the portal and directly at the Chitauri's local base, killing their power source and making them all drop where they stood. Romanoff shut the portal, which was being run by the Tesseract itself, with Loki's magical staff-thing... this only took place after we watched the nuclear explosion within the portal from the ground and assumed Stark killed in action.

He fell from the sky only seconds after, only to be caught midair by Banner as the Hulk; he was still breathing, too. Lucky bastard.

The second thing he said after waking up was "please tell me nobody kissed me," to which I couldn't help but chuckle just a little bit. Little did he know...

Other than all the self discovery, I learned that Romanoff and Barton go way back, Banner is, somehow, always angry and that Tony really doesn't mind letting me call the shots sometimes.

As for afterwards, we got the shawarma Tony announced that we would. It was actually pretty good, I'm not even gonna debate that.

And then... I went home to my and Bucky's place in Brooklyn Heights, which, wasn't too terribly destroyed, luckily. Hell, we all went home - we all went our separate ways.

All we can do now is hope something like this doesn't happen again.

~ S. Rogers

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