January 9, 2026

938 30 88

Dearest Diary,

I woke up today to the most exciting text I'd ever received in the history of me having a cellular phone - and that's not really saying anything much because I haven't really had a phone that long, considering how many years I've lived - but, still.


Tony: i did it

Me: Actually this time?

Tony: yep, actually this time, smart ass. even got to testing it

Me: It's not like there's an abundance of super soldiers on Earth- Hell, I'm laying next to the only other one I know of. How'd you test it if there's no one to test it on?

Tony: first of all, tmi. second, i was actually able to find a volunteer who's as close to u as i could get w/o it actually being u

Me: Seriously? Who???

Tony: banner

Me: What? But he's nothing like me- he's all green and 8 feet tall... he's even, recently, combined with his alter-ego. How did you pull it off?

Tony: u must take me for an idiot, rogers. if u recall from that file s.h.i.e.l.d. and i sent u back in 2012 on ur way to meet the avengers for the first time, there was a bit on how banner became the hulk. he was tryna to be like u, obv... something went wrong, duh, as it did for every other scientist who thought he was brilliant enough to make a super-human out of nothing

Me: And, if you don't mind my asking, what makes you so different?

Tony: well, i'm not making a super soldier, and u know that damn well... but, as u already know, my father was on dr. erskine's team when they made u who we know u as today. if anyone were to ever possess the ability to build super-abled people from nobodies, it's gonna be me

Me: Fair enough.

Tony: u know it

Me: When can I get it?

Tony: that's what she said ;)

Me: What?

Tony: god, nevermind. give it an hour, maybe two? at the 'new' new avengers facility

Me: All right, see you then.

Tony: c u

I placed my phone back onto the table and turned over to face Bucky. He looked to be still asleep. "Buck," I whispered.

"Mmm," he groggily mumbled.

"I'm going out for an errand, I'll be back before breakfast," I informed him, looking out to see that the sun was just now rising.

"Mmm," he answered. I pulled the covers off and started getting up. "Mmm!" he hummed more aggressively.

I chuckled and leaned back down to kiss him goodbye. "Love you," I whispered as I pulled back again.

"Love you, too," he barely said before turning over and falling back asleep.

So, I got dressed as silently as possible, brushed my teeth, grabbed some coffee and my keys and was off for upstate New York again for the facility. I went in and out in probably 20 minutes or less, and it was filled with mostly Tony explaining to me exactly what each of his discoveries would do when used the way he told me to use them. I made it home before breakfast, as promised, and was greeted rather warmly from a previously half-asleep Bucky.

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