November 3, 2017

879 41 6

Dear Diary,

I'm scared, and that's not something I say very often. Maybe it's because it's not me I'm afraid for, it's Bucky.

I heard about some trouble in Wakanda and T'Challa getting challenged and overthrown. It was some guy called Erik Killmonger that claimed he was the rightful heir and, somehow, gained access to the powers of The Black Panther.

As far as I've heard, everything ended up ok. I called Shuri a few days after it all died down and she said T'Challa regained his place as King and Bucky was untouched and undiscovered throughout the warfare.

She also told me that they're finally coming up on a cure. They've figured out how to read the coding in his mind in reverse and decode how it's been wired so that they might remove it entirely.

They'll be waking him up the second week of January, she added, so long as they remain on track the rest of this year, which, she thinks they will.

I'm so happy for that, too. He deserves to finally start living his own life and forging new paths on his own, rather than continue the ones HYDRA paved for him.

He lost so many years to them. So many.

I want to help him get it all back. I want him to lead such a wonderful life that it really makes up for everything he's ever done and for everyone he's ever lost.

God, I hope I can live up to that.

~ S.R.

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