May 3, 1935

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Dear Diary,

Well it's been a while... and today was meant to be just your typical day too, you know, normal routine and such. But, nothing always seems to turn into something when it's about me.

Today ended up being kinda... weird... I don't know how else to explain it.

The whole day, everything felt fake. It all felt like an illusion set to trick me out or something.

Though, it obviously wasn't... it still felt like a dream.

Allow me to start from the beginning.....


"Guess what comes out today Stevie?" Bucky asked. He seemed super excited too.

"What's that, Buck?"

"The Black Cat... you know, that horror movie I've wanted to see for ages now," he said, giddily.

My eyes must've popped out of my face, "oh... yea, right." To be completely honest, I hated horror films. They totally freaked me out and I would be left with nightmares for weeks after to show for it, too.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Uh— oh yea, sure," I said. I thought we would go maybe tomorrow morning when it was light outside... guess not. We had to go tonight, at 8.

• • •

Upon arriving a strong scent hit me. Butter. Popcorn. Caramels and all kinds of sweets filled the air and left my mouth watering. We both stumbled over to the counter to buy some popcorn because (1) why not? (2) what's a movie without popcorn? (3) it's scent was undeniably the most irresistible and just straight up amazing thing I had smelled in days.

The theater was unexpectedly empty even though it was expected for it to be jam packed on opening night. By empty, I mean we were literally the only ones there.

We took our seats at the very top all the way in the right corner just as Bucky liked it because it felt secure up there. To me, I just felt cornered and claustrophobic.

He held the thin, paper popcorn bag securely in his hands and rested it on his lap where it was easily accessible to the both of us. It was nearly empty before the lights turned off, nevermind before the movie began.

And so there it was, in all of its black and white glory. Screams of terror and haunted mansions... ghosts, goblins and monsters... serial killers with axes, witches with broomsticks and mad men with loaded guns and bloody knives. Every noise I heard I jumped. Sure, it was expected to be scary as the movie was clearly stated to be a horror film... but they just didn't seem to sit quite right with me.

Thunder cracked and struck the house on the screen, scaring the daylights out of me. My knees were clutched between my arms as I sat curled up in a ball in my chair. Every now and again I would peek up from behind my knees only to see a bloody murderer killing someone or that terribly unlucky black cat...

Out of nowhere, a warm hand planted itself on my left shoulder. I jumped, as I was obviously jittery, and quickly turned to look and see Bucky. I'm doing so I was reminded of how empty the other chairs were... how creepy that is... how utterly alone we were.

"You alright there, Stevie?" His warm whisper pushed its way down my neck and sent shivers down my spine, leaving me no choice but to close my eyes at the sensation.

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