February 14, 1935

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Dear Diary,

I would reminisce on past romances and love stories but... well, I don't have any. So I'll just get right into my entry for the day.

Speaking of today, I nearly had a tale to tell. Not quite. But almost. It'll have to do, I suppose.

You know what, I'll just explain. It'll be easier that way... instead of dancing around it.


It was 4:30pm and neither one of us had talked to the other in a while. Maybe a week or so. We had both been doing our own thing, I guess. I was hanging around my mom and she was making dinner for us each night... so I couldn't exactly skip out.

He, I'm sure, was spending time with his sister Rebecca... I mean, I guess that's fine. But I kinda miss our everyday chats and meets.

Then, suddenly, out of nothing— the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey there, Stevie," I heard a raspy voice call out to me from the other end of the line.

"Buck, hey... how've ya been?" I replied as calmly as possible. (The truth was that I was really excited though).

"Alright I guess. I miss ya, really. It's been a while. Too long, even."

"I couldn't agree more," I could feel the smile creeping onto my face. I felt like an idiot, to be completely honest.

"So... you doing anything tonight, then?" He asked.

"Uhhm... hey mom, you making dinner tonight?" I called into the kitchen. I'm sure her response was incomprehensible to Bucky over the telephone line. "Nope she's making dinner but she said I can hang out after dinner if that's okay," I said, trying not to sound too excited.

"Awesome, that sounds great," he didn't hold back any enthusiasm... in fact, he sounded ecstatic.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked, finally.

"Don't matter none to me, so long as we can hang out... maybe... I don't know, the park? I know you like that one spot."

It's true. I do love that spot. Just the right amount of light cascading it's way through the branches of the trees above us, usually green grass (even though now it won't be because it's Winter), unseasonably warm weather even for Winter (probably because of the elevation), and a perfect view of the night sky once the sun goes down. "Sounds perfect," I replied.

We said our goodbyes and hung up, planning to meet at the usually beautiful cherry blossom tree (though, it wasn't in bloom right now because it was still cold out) at 9 o'clock.

• • •

When I arrived at nine on the dot he was already there, sitting alone under the tree in his heavy winter jacket and snow boots (just in case, and just like me).

"Hi," I whispered as I sat next to him. Yes, I spoke quietly for a reason. You see, there's something incredibly and soothing and serene about the city at night in the winter... even when it has yet to snow. It's usually busy and bustling streets proved to be mostly empty, though still unkempt. The silver clouds that usually lined the sky had cleared, leaving he and I with a map of the mysterious galaxy before us. Who knows what it may bring us in the future...

"Hey," he murmured back, looking over at me with an unusually confusing look in his eyes.

"It's been a while. What've you been up to?" I started.

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