November 17, 1934

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Dearest Diary,

It's the best time of year and I couldn't wait to write after what... uh, happened.

I mean it's kinda hard to explain it...


Nearly a foot of snow had piled up outside and no one was anywhere to be seen at the park, but that was probably because it was midnight... just as well.

"Hey Buck! Wait up!" I shouted as I ran after him. It had been snowing for the past day and a half so Bucky and I decided to skip everything else and hang around together. Not that my mom would let me out of her sight with weather like this and health like mine, but we made our way around her rules.

"Gonna have to catch me!" He yelled back at me, dashing around the corner.

I was gaining on him, but there was still a lot of space I needed to make up for. A clearing in the shrubbery... perfect. He'll never see me coming.

I made a quick right before I made it to the shrub at which he turned. I could see him and he wasn't all that far from me. There was a street lamp lighting up the snowy pathway where he was headed, but there was no way he'd make it there if I had anything to say about it.

I ran as fast as I possibly could, dodging all the tree stumps and rocks I knew were there (because I had seen them countless times during the day). There was an opening in the bushes, so I ran through just as he came by it.

I tagged him, yet in the meantime, I managed to trip on a knotted branch from the shrubbery.

"Gotcha— wha!" I fell. Or at least, I nearly did. He grabbed me, one hand on my lower back and the other on my forearm. I clutched onto his scarf for dear life with the hand from that same arm.

And so I was there, just inches from his face and unable to move. He held me up, as I was still shaken, but I didn't need him to. Looking up at him I felt something. This weird pang deep in my chest, echoing through my ribs, constructing my lungs and speeding up my heart.

"You alright, Steve?" He whispered down to me. His hot breath compared to the cool November winds was like home to me. The heat hitting my face made all the little hairs on my body stand up, it sent shivers down my spine. "Steve?" He repeated, as I wasn't paying attention.

"Hmm?" I asked, numbly.

"Are you okay?" He asked again.

"Oh... yea I'm, uh, fine. I'm fine," I confirmed. He stood me up and held me there for a moment. Our bodies nearly touching... damn these layers of clothes.

"Alright, good," he smiled down at me through tired eyes. I swallowed audibly, looking up at his eyes really quickly and looking away even faster so that I may avoid getting lost in them again.

His strong hands still gripped my  back and forearm, he tightness never ceasing. I could feel him looking at me, but I refuse to look at him for my own sake. Why? Well... let's just say I would get carried away.

I would look into his eyes, cold as ice and more inviting than a mug of hot chocolate on a cold winter night, and get lost. I would feel a heat rush over my face as I noticed how well his dark brown locks and eyebrows complimented his lighter accent features (and all the other ones, for that matter). Traveling down his perfect Roman nose, my eyes would meet his beautiful pink lips. So plump and wet from his tongue. His fair skin and dark patchy stubble may have seemed like a downside but it's perfect. Luscious, I'm sure, to the touch. Then I wouldn't be able to restrain myself from thinking about him in all of his flawlessness. I would see our lips meeting and tongues dancing and hands moving and touching everywhere and moaning sweet nothings into each other's ears and peeling our many layers of clothes off and grinding against one another  and—

"Steve? Hello?" He looked confused.

Shit. What the hell am I thinking?

"Wha... uhh, what'd you say?" I murmured.

"I asked if you wanted to go home, do you?"

"Oh.. sure. It's kinda cold anyways," and so, we did.


And that's that. It seems... I don't know. It's a weird situation because I don't know what he's thinking but I sure hope this isn't too weird.

I mean, sure, I plan on eventually telling him but... I don't know about how soon.

~ Steven G. Rogers

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