February 14, 1937

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Dearest Diary,

Valentines is here again and this time, I have actual things I can reminisce upon.

Actual memories to recall and long for.

It's quite strange to me that only a year ago I had nothing. No one to think of in such a romantic way... I never thought I would be here right now, thinking of him the same way he's thinking of me.

It's incredible, really, to have someone like Bucky in my life. I can't imagine it without him.


He sat there across from me with the warm yellow candle flickering between us with an ominous look upon his face. The little flame gave a much needed warmth to what would eventually be a romantic evening.

The open window across the room blew in a cold breeze, making the flame dance in its little glass cell.

His eyes weren't their usual cold, icey blue... well, actually, they were. Just, with the flame, they seemed to glow a soft amber. I watched their every movement, no matter how slight. The transfer from looking at one of my eyes to the other, a subtle glance down at my lips... anything.

I watched how he mimicked me, unintentionally giving away his attraction towards me. Ugh, and the way he licked his lips drove me mad but that was the best part of it all. Knowing that he and I had that effect on each other and that we felt that same pull towards one another was everything.

It reminded me of a simpler, yet more difficult, time... memories flooded my brain of him. Of things we did before there even was a 'we'.

Those memories seemed to linger like the scent of burning wood.

"So, Steve..." he started, pulling me down from the clouds and back into reality.

"Bucky," I replied, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"Did you like it? The food, I mean."

"Oh, yea... it was really good Buck. You really are a good cook," I responded.

He smiled. "You know what they say, don't you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, kiss the cook... duh," he smiled like a dork.

I didn't say anything; I just smiled. I then got out of my seat and walking over to kiss him as he stood. He seemed to catch my face in his hands as mine met his waist. It was quick and short but certainly enough to leave us both wanting more.

His eyes slowly flickered open as I pulled away, letting my lips linger softly upon his for a moment.

He took a few steps forward, pushing me up against the wall with a bit more force than necessary. His hands ran down the sides of my body as he kissed me again, yet this time slowed and deeper.

He kissed me faster as he began catching my involuntary, reactionary moans. He shoved his leg between both of mine and pushed up. I inhaled sharply at this new pressure and closed my eyes.

"We should, uh... we should clean up, Bucky. Wouldn't wanna leave the house a mess for when your dad gets home," I interrupted.

His breathing was heavy and I waited a moment for him to gather up his scrambling thoughts. "Yea... yea, I guess you're right," he finally admitted, pulling away from me and starting to clean up the table.

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