September 27, 2025

957 33 73

Dear Diary,

It's been so... calm.

We've been just staying home and hanging out, you know, enjoying each other's company and whatever it is couples do. You could say we're finally getting a taste of 'normal' in our lives, which is something neither of us could have ever seen coming.

We're enjoying it because, looking at our track record, things like this tend to last only so long...


We woke up at 8:00 this morning and, God, that's late. Usually we would have already trained, had breakfast and showered by then. Well, whatever, it's Saturday.

"Morning sleepy pants," Bucky called from the living room as I walked in from our room for the first time today.

"G'morning," I replied happily, putting on the cooking apron over my shorts and bare chest. "You sleep okay?"

"Yessir," he answered, turning the very old black-and-white television off. "You?"

"Was a little cold at the end, if I do say so myself," I joked around.

"Maybe that's because someone decided to stay in bed 30 minutes longer than me today," he snickered.

"What can I say? I was a little... tied up... late last night."

"Oh, yea?" his voice lilted, getting closer. "That's rough, buddy."

I turned and glared at him as he stood in the doorway to the kitchen in his pajama shorts and wife-beater. "You hungry?" I asked, spraying the pan before me with oil-based cooking spray and preparing it for my eggs.

I suddenly heard his breath in my right ear as he snuck in behind me without warning. "Famished," he mumbled, making my eyes instinctually close and forcing the rest of my body to stop working.

"Mmm," I hummed. "So, you want some eggs, then?"

A chuckle resonated from his throat and the hot breath expelled from his nose met my ear just before he brought his lips to the sensitive skin just behind it. "I think I need something a little more... satisfying."

"Like?" I continued on with the purposeful obliviousness and wondered what he'd say.

His lips travelled down my neck and reached the top of my shoulder. "You," he grumbled, biting down softly upon my skin and then kissing it.

"So... no actual food, then?" I played, acting unaware even still.

He grabbed my face and turned it to the side to kiss my lips with vigor and evident want. I felt him push his front against me and wanted nothing more than to be naked in this moment, despite our being in the kitchen.

He started to untie the apron and tossed it onto the table before leading me backwards into the bedroom anew, as if I hadn't just arrived from that very place.

My legs hit the bed before I could realize how close to it we were and I fell back into the still-warm sheets, allowing him to land on top of me.

His lips fell onto mine again and again and again- I wished it would never stop. I started pulling on his ass so that he would come down onto me and pushed my own hips up to meet him halfway, but he pulled his lips away.

"Are you... trying to top?" he whispered.

I said nothing because, to be honest, I didn't really know what I had been thinking. "You are kinda straddling me... the real question is, are you trying to bottom?"

"Hell no," he shot back immediately.

"Then switch with me," I demanded, standing up and picking him up with me, only to place him down below me a second later.

"Are you sure you're not tryna top?" he asked more seriously this time. "Because, to be honest, I'm not entirely opposed to it if you really wanna."

"No," I mumbled. "No, I'm really not," I laughed. "Trust me," I whispered into his ear. "I prefer you inside of me a lot more than being inside of you... maybe tomorrow, though, if you want," I pulled back and winked at him as I bit my lip.

"Oh, shut up," he said, pulling my face down onto his.

I grinned down on him as his hands made their way across my exposed skin. I, next, went for his wife-beater and pulled it off, throwing it to the floor and continuing on kissing him as I had been before.

He groaned into my mouth as I continued thrusting on top of him, as he really was starting to get hard now. I ran my fingers through his hair and grabbed his face, forging a new kind of kiss between us that was something much more forceful.

His teeth bit down on my nether lip and dragged it out, pulling my flesh and bringing me closer to his body. I moaned into the space between us and reached for his pants, wanting them gone now more so than ever before.

The next sensation I felt was his hands on my pants trying to yank them off, too. I stood and peeled them away, but refused to let him shed his just yet.

I bent over him and kissed down his neck and sucked on his supple skin, leaving extraordinarily (unfortunately) temporary marks as a trail down and down his chest and abdomen and- I stopped right before his pants and pulled the band up, licking a line straight down and over his... well... until he grabbed my head between his palms and practically begged me with his eyes to hurry the Hell up.

I pulled his pants off and threw them to the floor where mine remained and got back over there, bringing him into my mouth once, and twice, and once more then carried on over to his lips again.

I brought the blankets over us and he took his cold, metal hand over to grab my dick beneath it- as if my inability to see it made the sensation any less perfect. His other hand grabbed at my thigh and squeezed it between his fingers- I just wanted him inside me already.

Before I could even tell him to fuck me, in so many words, he had already started and I found myself riding him like it was the last only thing I could ever do.

My breathing was uncontrollable and my heart was roaring and racing and everything but us was seemingly spinning and he was so warm and we were so hot and sticky together and I wanted him like this forever, I just realized, and ever and ever. I leaned over and kissed him anew, wanting to feel his tongue stall as his brain staggered, unable to send a signal throughout this overload of pleasure.

That is, until he finished in me and kept on at full speed until I did the same all over his chest and hand.

I rolled over and laid beside him a moment, letting my body calm from that high momentarily. We both remained silent, said nothing. It was all so calm and peaceful and normal for once.

He turned his head to look at me with an out of breath, tired as Hell smile. "So," he started. "How about those eggs?"


And, so, as Bucky threw the very messy sheets into the wash, I made us some eggs.

~ Steve R.

Steve's DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora