February 2, 2015

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Dear Diary,

I, along with some of the others, was summoned to Stark Tower this morning without any reason whatsoever.

Though, I suppose that's simply Tony's way - to leave us all in the dark.


We were all just sort of standing in the common area... me, Banner, Barton and Nat- those of us Avengers that actually lived on this planet, anyway.

Pepper was waiting there with us, though I suppose she knew as well as the rest of us did where Tony was. I checked my watch. We'd been waiting there for nearly an hour and he was nowhere to be seen and no one had said a word about it, or anything, for that matter.

"Alright," I heard him say as he turned a corner and entered the room with a smile. "Shall we get down to business?"

"Seeing as we've been waiting here for almost an hour, I'd say now's as good a time as any," I came back at him, following everyone down the intricate halls and into a living room section. He didn't answer, he only led us all to the couches and we all took our seats.

I sat next to Natasha, putting my arms up on top of the sofa and Clint sent me a look from Hell. I guess it did kinda look like I was putting my arm around her, huh? What was it to him, anyway?

"So, welcome, everyone, to my home, Stark Tower... the world's first self-sufficient building in terms of energy," he started. "I have a very simple proposition that is open to you all from this point forward until whenever you chose to accept it or walk away from it."

He paused and looked around at the lot of us and saw that we were by no means amused. "Go on," I told him.

"I propose that you all move in here at the tower in the guest lodges. You see, it has plenty of good things to offer each of you. There's a gym a few floors up, computer labs even higher, gun ranges lower down and living quarters right here on this level. Plus, it would make everything a Hell of a lot easier in terms of suiting up and prepping for missions just before we go out for them. Not all of us have had the chance to work in tandem with one a another, either, and I see this as a perfect opportunity... What do you say?"

"What about all of our stuff and... other projects that we're working on currently?" Banner asked.

"Bring them. Bring everything. I'll even work on things with you, Bruce. Two minds are better than one. And, besides, there's plenty of room here for your things and in your quarters."

"And as for living spaces," I started. "How are they situated?"

"They're all separate from one another so that we all have our own spaces if we so choose. There are some adjoining rooms if that is what you'd prefer, though, I wouldn't see why. There's a kitchen next to this very living room, which happens to be the center of this floor as well as the main area for us all to congregate in. Oh... and you'll all be given all the access cards, scanners, codes, et cetera that you'll ever need. And, as you know, Jarvis is always here to assist you- he'll even be available in your rooms, right?"

"Yes, sir, it would be my pleasure," a British man spoke, his voice surrounding us.

"He's artificial intelligence, Rogers... he's in the walls and ceilings and everywhere, practically."

"That's a little... creepy," I pointed out.

"No, it's just safe. It's fool proof, really."

I sent him a sideways smile, trying to show that I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about all this high-technology stuff all around me. Natasha's hand met my leg and I looked at her. She glared at me so that she might tell me to give it a chance. I nodded at her and looked back at him.

"I'm in," Banner said with a smile.

"Me too," Clint said. "As long as I can shoot my bow at that gun range of yours."

"I'll have it set up," Stark replied. He looked at me and Nat. "And... the happy couple?"

"Oh, uh-"

"No, uhmm," she interrupted me, as we spoke over one another.

"We're- we aren't," I continued, losing my words.

"Right," Stark fake agreed. "Whatever, just... are you in?"

I looked at her. "I am," she responded.

"I guess I am too, but..." I looked at him. "I want an adjoining room. Empty, of course, on the other side. Just... is that okay?"

"Anything for the star spangled man," he told me. 



I suppose the only reason I agreed was because I can't stand being at my place anymore without Bucky. It just doesn't feel right.

It's been like I'm a stranger in my own house in addition to the regular 'stranger in my own body' feeling I experience every so often.

Especially because Nat moved out a month and a half ago and I've just been so damn alone. It'll be nice to have some people around for a change to distract me from those heavy thoughts about Bucky and our old lives I've been avoiding.

As for the double room I requested... It's not for Natasha like she later approached me and proceeded to ask me about, no. It's for Bucky. Sure, for now it feels like a constant reminder that he's not there, but I know I'm gonna do everything in my power to get him back and... once I do, that's just where he'll be. Right where he belongs.

Next to me.

~ Steve R.

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