June 15, 2025

974 31 93

Dearest Diary,

Today was yet another day for dressing up- no, not for Stark Tower or for another mission.

This time, it was to be just us. For our anniversary, as a matter of fact. It's been a while and a lot of offs and ons and everything, but I think we both consider each other a constant.


"After you," Bucky opened the door for the people stopped politely on the other side, who proceeded to give us sideways smiles almost knowing full well who we were after thanking him. "And, you," he waved me past him.

"Thanks, Buck."

We approached the hostess at the front, who was utterly shocked at our being there, especially as we did happen to be at the fanciest restaurant in The City, a French place called Per Se (which also happened to have a $355 fee per person off the bat, so it better be good).

"Table for two, please," Bucky smiled at her.

She said nothing and just ogled at me like I was the most attractive person she'd ever seen walk the planet. "Uh- Captain America..."

Bucky smiled and nodded. "Steve Rogers is more like it," he joked.

She nodded slowly and paused a moment, trying to pull her eyes from my face. "And, your friend- er, you are?" she looked over at Bucky and asked his name, as if he was some random, unknown, person that just happened to be standing next to me in this moment.

"His boyfriend," he quickly replied with that full-blown New York accent of his. "So, how's that table lookin'?"

Her eyes got wide. "Yes, follow me, if you would."

She set the menus down before us and let us be, not saying another word to us. As soon as she was out of earshot, Bucky started laughing.

"Did you see the look on her face?" he asked, trying to stay quiet. "It was priceless!"

"Buck," I tried to calm him down.

"Okay, okay," he stopped. "What're we getting? I'm starving."

"Probably stuff off this Chef's Tasting Menu," I started. "What do you think?"

"Sounds good to me," he agreed. "I'll be getting the 'Oysters and Pearls' for my first course, then... sounds fancy enough."

I chuckled. "Good, because I'm getting the other one... the Royal Ossetra Caviar. Oh, and definitely the Hudson Valley Moulard Duck Foie Gras 'Pastrami' for my second."

"You know that's $30 extra, right?" he made sure.

"Bucky, get whatever the Hell you want, this is our anniversary," I assured him. "I don't think I've met anyone who's made it together as long as we have."

"Yea, 90-years with the same person is a Hell of a ride, I'll give you that," he answered. "But, I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"And you know damn well I started a civil war over you."

"Oh, trust me, I know," he smirked, looking back down at the menu.

"Good evening, gentlemen," our waiter arrived and greeted us. "My name is Julien, and I will be your waiter tonight. Might I start you both off with something to drink?"

"Yes, we'll take the... 3,000 milliliter Château Lafite-Rothschild 1949 from the Pauillac French Red collection."

"Certainly, I will return with that shortly," he replied, walking away.

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