January 2, 2018

940 40 9

Dear Diary,

The whole laying low thing has been good. Mostly.

I mean, yea, it's been pretty boring without Bucky here... but, the fact of the matter is, as long as he's getting better, I'm ok with this.

I've been thinking about visiting Wakanda, too.

T'Challa called me yesterday to wish me a Happy New Year, seeing as he knows I'm all alone, and told me I was welcome to come anytime after this week.

They're waking Bucky up next Tuesday, the 9th and I'd really like to be there when they do.

I just... I don't think I'll leave just yet. T'Challa said it'd be better for Bucky's concentration if I wasn't there for the first few months. He needs to re-learn how to be himself without someone else before he can fully heal.

So, I await another call. And, seeing as I haven't been getting any other than those that are incoming and outgoing to and from Africa., I hope the next one I get is a 'he's awake and good as new' one.

It's gonna take a lot more than just high hopes for it, too.

~ S. Rogers

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