February 13, 1936

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Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is Valentine's day and that totally sucks. I mean, normally, it wouldn't... it's just that this year it does.

Bucky is busy tomorrow and I don't really even know what he's doing but it doesn't really matter... he's not gonna be here with me so I guess that's all that really matters.

Anyway, he wanted to hang out today seeing how we couldn't tomorrow which... kind of gives me goosebumps thinking about him and, uh... well, his intentions.


It was dark before he got there, or at least almost dark. The sun had set and the top of the sky was a harsh blackish blue color while the horizon line still donned a purple, almost dark pink, hue. I sat by the window and watched the myriad of colors as the night grew older and older. I almost wished I could lay out there under the stars and wait for him, but it was awfully cold for that this time of year.

He arrived ten minutes early, like he always does, and knocked on the front door. I walked over to it, unlatching the lock. Then there he was. "You know, Buck, you don't gotta knock anymore... you practically live here."

"Yea yea... where's Sarah?" he asked, partially walking in an hovering in the doorway looking around for her.

"I'm right here, James," she announced as she walked into the room. He straightened his body up and walked over to greet her with a hug. I didn't even get one of those... how rude.

"How are you Mrs. Rogers?"

"I'm okay, thanks," she somewhat whispered, looking down. She wasn't dressed up like she usually was and Bucky noticed this.

"Mom, I thought you were going out," I mentioned.

She half smiled. She looked kind of sad. "No, honey... I was but, I decided to stay home tonight," She said reluctantly looked up at Bucky who had just shot me a worried look like oh shit, now what, Steve? "Don't worry boys, I'll stay out of your way. I know you wanted to hang out tonight," she winked at me and walked back into the other room.

Bucky's eyes bulged out of his head as he walked towards me, "What was that about?" he asked.


"That. The wink she sent you... what was that all about?"

"I- well, I dunno..." and that's the truth. I really didn't know what was happening. It's almost ike she knows.

"It don't matter, nothing we can do about it. She went to the living room, right?"


"You wanna go to your room then?" that's actually a great idea....

"Sure," I replied.

We then headed down the hall to my room. The door creaked open and revealed my somewhat messy bed and floors. "Sorry about the mess," I apologized.

"Don't worry, Steve, mines a lot worse," he said, patting my shoulder.

I turned my head to look at him and he was already doing the same. He flashed that smile of his and I could literally feel my insides melting.

I smiled back but his had already faded. He switched his gaze to the door behind us before he shut it. I heard the lock click into place and felt my face get hot and my ears burn up. He looked back at me and a wave of adrenaline hit me like a brick wall. My heart was racing and I could feel the blood pumping through my veins like electricity.

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