February 11, 2027

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Dear Diary,

This past year living with Bucky as more than just a friend or secret boyfriend or actual boyfriend felt great. Hell, people who would recognize me in the street asking about who this was would have a very simple conversation with us that was always the same:

Captain America? Yep, that's me. My goodness, I'm such a huge fan! Thank you. Who's this? Well, that's my childhood best friend, Bucky, also known as The Winter Soldier; he's a hero too. Really? Yes. That's so cool that you grew up together and both became heroes and are still such great friends. I suppose you're right, though, we're a little more than just friends nowadays. What do you mean? Well, we're together, as in, he's actually my fiancée. Oh, well, congratulations, then... have a nice day! You too.

Like that- every time. Always ends in the other person abruptly leaving out of confusion or curiosity or utter shock. We never have anyone ask us about our relationship... that is, no one other than the Avengers and those alike.

Kinda like the entirety of the engagement party Natasha and Banner threw for us...


"So, tell us everything," Natasha requested after we were surprised upon arrival at the party, ate, and were served drinks.

"That's a Hell of a lot of information to get through in one day, Tasha," Bucky replied. "If you wanted the entirety of my and your - or your and Steve's - relationship, that would be a lot simpler."

She smirked. "Fair enough... though, I should have known after not having had sex with either of you that you were-"

"Gay as Hell?" Bucky interrupted.

I laughed as I sat down next to him. "Fuckin' gay, if you've ever seen it." He laughed, too, and so did a few others.

"Ok, tell us about your first kiss, then," Natasha started as everyone started to settle around us. "Who made the first move?"

"I did," Bucky said as I pointed at him with a smile.

"Yup, definitely him," I agreed.

"We were at the docks and it was... it had to be 1935, and we decided to swim, so it was definitely summer, too," he explained. "The water was still fucking cold, though."

"You were warm, so I held onto you the whole time, if I recall," I added.

"Lucky you were only 90 pounds then, yeesh," he chuckled. "And, I mean, I was really taking a leap of faith there, making any move at all when, if I had been wrong, I would have been arrested and probably killed."

"I'm so glad you did, though, because I never would have been able to build up the courage to say or do anything," I replied.

"Oh, yeah? But you could build up the courage punch some random ass guy on the street and piss him off enough that I had to fight him off for you?" Bucky came back.

"When was that?" Banner asked, taken back.

"It happened more than once, trust me," Bucky answered, chuckling.

"So, how'd it happen?" Natasha went on.

"I said, was it everything you expected it to be? then kissed him," Bucky told her.

"Then I answered it was more," I smiled at him. "The rest is history."

"How cute," Tony slid in. I sent him a look.

Steve's DiaryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora