April 26, 2018

935 41 19

Dear Diary,

We waited at the train station for the drama to start because, somehow, it seemed to always follow us. Why would it stop now?


The train horn blared as it passed me. I stood there in the shadows awaiting the perfect moment. Everyone on the other side of the tracks halted as this happened.

A blade was thrown at me. I caught it mid-air.

Sam flew in and started at them as I threw the blade at Natasha to attack them with as I came up on them from afar.

We beat them down with everything we had until they were cowering on the floor before us.

"We don't want to kill you," Natasha announced. "But, we will."

The alien woman with horns growing from her forehead, blue hair and war paint across her pale skin looked at us with knives in her beady red eyes. "You'll never get the chance again." The two of them, then, phased up into a ship that awaited them in the air above us.

We approached Vision as he and Wanda sat at the floor. "Can you stand?" Sam asked, helping Vision to his feet.

"Thank you, Captain," he told me as they held him up.

I nodded. "Let's get you on the jet," I replied.

Once we were on and taking off, Natasha started conversation.

"Now... I thought we had a deal," she said. "Stay close, check in, don't take any chances."

"I'm sorry," Wanda apologized. "We just wanted time." The one thing we all want more of with our love; the one thing we never get.

"Where to, Cap?" Sam asked from the pilot's seat.



Where else was there to go but there at a time like this?

~ Steve Rogers

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