September 1, 1936

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Dear Diary,

Buck and I decided that we have the most fun when we're alone (well, duh). Not only that, but when we go on little day or overnight trips together. So, hopefully we start doing that more.

Going to the beach was pretty fun, I'm not gonna lie... but today we're going hiking and I'm psyched.

Sure, I have asthma and I might literally die but as long as I'm with Bucky I'm sure it'll be fine... I think.


The drive wasn't that long, especially for the mountain being in upstate New York and all. It was actually fun, seeing how I got to spend about an hour in the Barnes family Buick with Bucky just talking and listening to the radio.

Now, I'm just sitting on a rock waiting for Bucky to finish packing the last of our stuff into his backpack.

He was facing away from me and reaching into the car... bending over and... I tried to force myself to look away but it barely worked. You see, we were in this sort of exercise gear and while the tight shirt was baggy on me, it fit him extraordinarily well. Damn, he looked good.... Flannel half open, dirty blue jeans, ugh.

"Ready to go?" He asked, closing the pouch, turning to face me and catching me staring. Shit.

"Uh, mhmm..." I replied awkwardly. He smiled and extended his hand, seemingly wanting me to take it, so I did. He helped me up and took a deep breath in, closing his eyes and absorbing all that the wilderness had to offer.

We were the only ones out there today, and thank God. Finally some alone time away from the city and our parents and siblings and all those things that distracted us from one another.

We headed out on foot on this rocky, dirt path into the woods. He walked in front of me go begin with even though neither of us had the slightest idea where the hell we were going.

The wind rustled through the canopy of tree branches and lush leaves above us and little pebbles crunched beneath our shoes. I heard birds chirping and singing their joyous songs together as well as the other wildlife taking their quiet steps away from us. The sun glistened down at us through the splotchy leaves and I felt so at peace. I tried to focus on all of this... on all that this clear, sunshiney day had to offer.

But I couldn't.

He was getting to me in all of his perfectness. Beautiful brown, curly, shiny hair... his scent that trailed behind him and towards me... the way he walks and sways his broad shoulders from side to side... the way his upper body tapers down to his slim waist... I simply could not stop looking at him.

I sped up my pace and caught up to him, sliding my hand down his arm and meeting his hand with mine. This was a first... holding hands. Its something we could never do in public but, now? Forget about it.

Our fingers were interlaced and our legs touching as we walked. I looked up to smile at him but he was already looking at me. Adorable.

His eyes diverted to an approaching clearing. He squinted juuuuust a bit and there it was. The excitement was starting to set in.

We ran to a good observation point and sat near the edge. I looked out and it was... it was incredible. I couldn't seem to rip my eyes from the scene with the fear that I would miss something extraordinary.

"Beautiful, huh?" Bucky said.

"Yea... that mountainside is just... it's not the city I'll tell you that much. It's... its amazing," I replied.

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