March 4, 1945

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Dearest Diary,

This is the big day- though, that's what I said last time, isn't it? God... and, last time, I lost someone. Someone I love and it's killing me that I'll never see him again, not for a long time, anyway.

But I can't think about that right now. I have to stay focused no matter how hard it may be.

Sure, they have yet to collect Bucky's things because I told them I wanted them- because I said that, when this is all over, I'm bringing his things home to Brooklyn, if it's the last thing I do. I owe him that much, seeing as I can't walk through that door with him at my side. And that's yet another reason why I refused to switch out of our shared room- I knew damn well that this was the last place we were together and at peace, this was the last place we shared a bed and our last kiss and, Hell, his pillow still holds his scent and I couldn't stand to give that up.

It's been months and I know I need to find solace somewhere, seeing as the alcohol clearly isn't working, but there just doesn't seem to be any feasible way out of this.

Running straight into death is a bad idea, they said. To Hell with you, then, I know damn well what I'm doing. I can handle this. And, by this, I mean either of the two outcomes that our operation may bear... finding the Red Skull, killing him and winning this war or death, upon my failed attempt at all that.

The way I see it, I'll either be a war hero or I'll be with Bucky again... I'm just trying to figure out why it is that I actually seem to prefer the latter.


They had me flown out to the Alps early this morning, telling me that I needed to make my first appearance at the front gates at daybreak. Oh, one more thing. I had to drive a motorcycle.

I made my way down the road in all of my Captain America gear, ready to make the day mine, when I heard some of Red Skull's men trailing me. And, by some, I mean a whole pack of at least ten of them following me on their black motorcycles.

They started shooting at me with their weird blue glowing weapons and I realized how lucky I was to have made the decision to wear my shield on my back instead of placing it on the front of my bike like I'd originally planned.

They were gaining on me.

I clicked a button on the special operations panel Howard had equipped me with and explained to me earlier this morning. It shot out a cable that knocked a few of the guys behind me off of their bikes. After, I clicked another button so that I might give myself a boost and get ahead of them with the rocket powers that had, somehow, been applied to my bike.

I left a trail of fire behind me as a result of this, quite literally, even managing to take out a few guys in the process.

Two men, though, somehow got in front of me... so I sped up and threw a mini grenade at them.

That was the end of that.

I switched my shield to the front of my bike, as I was approaching a massive weapon that was already firing at me. They even had a tank (which, I exploded)... I then rode up the side of the weapon that had been imbedded in some cement and made my way into their facility, finally.

There were tons of men shooting at me, so I clicked the self destruct button on the panel and jumped off, fighting off a bunch of men as I watched my bike explode upon hitting the massive barrier that blocked us out from the main facility entrance.

I fought men left and right, throwing them all over and tossing my shield and- suddenly, I was surrounded by fire because of two men with four total flamethrowers. Then, hundreds of men surrounded me.

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