September 27, 1938

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Dear Diary,

Ever since the storm let up, it's been nothing but clean up everywhere I look. Given that we don't exactly have a yard of our own, because we live in an apartment in New York City, Bucky volunteered to help the rest of city clean up.

He's been out all morning and I'm honestly just doing what I usually do when he's out working.

Wait for him to get back.


It wasn't too late when he finally got home. Not as late as it usually was, anyway.

5:37pm he comes through the door. He was literally covered in mud. He even tracked footprints through the house before he kicked his boots off.

I walked in and my jaw dropped. "Bucky what the hell?" I asked, looking at the dirty floor.

"Nice to see you too, pal," he replied, walking towards me.

"Nooooooo way. You better get in the shower," I said, pushing him away and stepping back.

"You better get in there with me," he mumbled, obviously not in the mood for chit chat.

His hand met my face as he smeared mud down my cheek. I felt my eyes grow wide as his other hand wiped dirt on my neck.

He smiled, "I guess you needa shower too, huh?" He started undoing my buttons and I let him. He then began to smudge mud onto my chest.

"Guess so," I whispered back, giving in and giving up on the whole being angry at him thing.

I looked up at him and to be honest there wasn't a lot of mud on his face. It was mostly around his eyes and in his hair. Were his eyes always that blue?

In the time it took me to think those simple thoughts, he had stripped me of all my clothes... of everything but my underwear. Problem: the windows are open and it's the middle of the day and I was worried to Hell that people would see us. Solution: his finger met my chin and then his lips met mine and everything melted away.

I let out a puff of air when my back hit the wall as I started undoing his belt. I began pulling off his clothes too, the only difference between ours was that his were so incredibly dirty. I tugged his shirt off his shoulders and ran my now muddy hands down his muscular arms and chest.

I let my hand drag slowly down to his abdomen, gently teasing him at the end of the little brown trail of hair at the top of his belt with my fingertips.

He moaned into my mouth and pressed the weight of his body against me harder, placing his knee in between my legs and pushing up.

I pulled my face away and looked at the sticky skin between us, smeared in sweat and mud. I then looked up at his face. He was breathing heavily and boring a hole right through my lips where he had been staring for the last few seconds. I thrusted my hips forward slowly and looked him in the eyes, feeling his hard on straight through his pants. He thrusted back, kissing me again and biting my lower lip.

"If you don't go get in that shower, I'll have to fuck you right here, right now... If I'm being honest, I don't really feel like sharing you when you're like that with the neighbors. And I don't think you want them to see what I'm gonna do to you through the windows," Bucky whispered into my lips as he pulled away.

I looked at him and then down at my own disheveled self before making my way briskly to the bathroom and turning on the shower. I stripped and threw my clothes to the counter and got in, waiting for the creaking sound of the door to signify his arrival.

I closed my eyes as the shower curtain opened behind me. His fingers moved down my back and along the sides of my torso before they made their way to the lower front of my abdomen.

I tilted my head back onto his shoulder as he began to kiss my neck. I moaned shamelessly out into the open air. He sent shivers down my spine and made my whole body shake with such simple touches.

I spun around and laced my fingers into his wet hair, pulling him down to meet my lips. I started thrusting up against his stomach to get some friction and, dear god, the combination of the warm running water and his defined abs nearly sent me over the edge.

He grabbed my ass and groaned onto my lips as his watched to me come undone before him.

He spun me around again and brought his mouth to my neck, kissing up and along to my ear, "bend over," he whispered. I didn't know what to say, so I just did what he told me.

My hands met the wall as he grabbed onto my hips, pushing my mid-back down as he lined himself up. His hands moved down and back up my thighs as he pushed in quicker than usual.

I shouted out and he slowed down, but that was before he realized that he wasn't exactly hurting me.

"Good God, don't stop," I said quietly in opposition.

He grunted and pushed in again and again and again, each time using more and more force.

His hands roamed around my body until he started stroking me slowly. Almost instantaneously after his first touch I felt my body jolt uncontrollably and a choked groan fall from my lips as I came onto his hand and onto the wall.

"Fuck, Steve, that's so hot," he mumbled to himself as I started to fall from my orgasmic high.

With that, I felt him come to a stop as his hips jerked forward. An unmistakable warmth pushed up through me.

Holy Hell, that had to have been the best on yet.


I know it seems like I'm always horny but I promise you I'm not, you have to believe me.

Oh, who the Hell am I kidding? I'd let him fuck me in a public restroom if I was desperate enough... wait, that's actually not that bad of an idea.

Oh God, now it's in my head. The worst part is, that'd be really hot. Why must I always push myself in the most risky positions?

~ S. Rogers

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