chapter 1- Harry Styles

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Harry Styles was a handsome young man. He was tall and fit , he had those gorgeous green eyes and dark brown curly hair. He looked like a trouble teenager most of the time or a gang member because of all his tattoos. But actually.. he was a cop, who was mostly in undercover duties.

Harry lost his beloved father when he was nine years old. He was murdered by gangsters.. Wrong time, wrong place kind of thing.. He loved / loves his father a lot. He couldn't accept this so easily..
Harry thought that he should be a cop and stop people who kills innocent other ones , no matter what..

After his father was murdered, his mother was kind of depressed and didn't care about anything that much anymore. Not even her kids..

Harry started working at a young age and took care of his sister Gemma. Gemma was all he got, as a family. He and her sister Gemma lost communication with their mother in time.
So Gemma and Harry are attached to each other more than any other brother and sister. Gemma adored his babybrother.. She had graduated recently actually. Noone was more proud to see this than Harry..

Harry had a fiance. Her name was Taylor. They had been together now for a year and half. But they were not the best couple.. In a year and half, Taylor was out of city a lot, Harry went to a duty ,went undercover and they didn't even speak for months. When they were even in the same city, nothing changed much .Taylor wasn't caring about Harry at all.

So why they were engaged?
Taylor thought that maybe that way they became closer again and she lied Harry. She said him that her family wanted them to name their relationship, and they were suddenly engaged. Even Gemma and Louis learned it at last minute..

But they both knew that it wasn't working, Harry was unhappy and he started to regret it..
Gemma and Louis hated Taylor and Harry knew that. He couldn't blame them. He wanted to break up from her for months now but didn't know how to end it.

Harry seemed to have got lots of friends but in reality he was just close with Louis and Ashton. They were in the same department with him but in different divisions.

Ashton was a typical computer geek. He was tall and slim, wearing eyeglasses. He was listening phone calls of criminals, searching faces in database, finding locations and IDs that kind of things for the department, he was not a social type.

He didn't trust anyone, not to the department, not to the government , he had his some complo theories. He also had a stash-room kind of thing in his house, he stashed food and supplies, in case of emergency. He even had fake IDs and passports, even if he was a cop and he knew that it was illegal. He felt safe that way.

He had lots of locks at his door, like six or seven. He had a hidden camera outside of his apartment. Yeah he was a little paranoid, and maybe he was a little weird but who wasn't at this time, everybody had a default..

Harry thought he was a little weird but lovely, funny and trustworthy guy. Noone talked to Ashton, if they didn't have to. But Harry liked him, he treated nice to Ashton.

At first, Ashton thought that Harry wanted something from him, nobody cared about him for no reason, right? He waited waited.. but Harry didn't want anything from him and still cared about him.

Harry talked to Ashton whenever he saw him and Ashton just liked it, he had a friend, a real one, Finally.. But Ashton was scared, he thought that if Harry knew the real him, all about that stash, locks, hidden camera, secret phone listening.. he.. wouldn't like him, wouldn't be friend with him..

One day, Harry wanted to know someone's location but it wasn't for duty, it was personal. Ashton did him a favor. He was both happy and sad about that. He was happy because he could help Harry, his only friend.. He was sad because he wondered if Harry was friend with him because of that.. and now he had what he wanted so he would maybe never see him again..

It happened all the Ashton.. Everybody treated nice to him until they got what they want.. He shook his thoughts. He trusted Harry. So he hoped that wouldn't happen..

That night, while Ashton was at his home, his computer beeped, and a screen appeared. That was a screen from his hidden camera, and it showed Harry..

" doing.. here???" Ashton thought ..
He was shocked, noone came to his house.. like never ever..

Then he heard the bell on the door, Ashton didn't answer at first but Harry started to knock it and said "Hey Ashton, it is me Harry. Are you in there?".
Ashton couldn't even move for a sec. then he asked him "Why are you here?" awkwardly.. He thought "Why I can't be normal for once? Jesus!.."

Harry said "I wanted to thank you for today, can I come in, Ash?" , with a smile.

Ashton thought "Did he just gave me a nickname?" Waow. That was a first. He looked at the screen, Harry was still smiling and waiting. He had something in his hands. Ashton couldn't resist and immediately opened the door after unlocking all those locks.

He found Harry standing there with beers and chips. Noone wanted to hang out with him after work, before. Ashton was very happy and let him in.
He was ashamed a little about all those locks. But..Harry didn't ask about them and didn't act different than usual..

However, Ashton wanted to say something to him anyway and.. "Because of our job, I got a little paranoid, I guess. Sorry about waiting you." He said.
Harry just chuckled, "I got it, it isn't a big deal, Ash." he said.

Ashton thought "Ash.. I like that name.. Ash.." and smiled to himself..
(He didn't know that time but he would use that name to everywhere and everything, after that day.)

Then they played video games together, talked and laugh. That was the best night ever for Ashton. After that night, Ashton trusted Harry like a lot more..
Harry sometimes visited him, they hanged out and Ashton did favours for him time to time, and he knew that Harry was his friend.. his only friend.. Ashton could trust him..

Ashton also met Harry's friend Louis, but Ashton and Louis weren't that close. They just knew each other. Once Harry brought Louis to meet Ashton to his computer lab, but they didn't have a bond.
Louis found Ashton weird and Ashton found Louis sassy. They just treated each other nice when Harry was around.

And there was Louis.. Harry's best friend.. Louis was a funny guy, he always made fun of people and made Harry laugh, sometimes became sassy. If they had time, Harry and Louis spent that time with each other..

They generally met at lunch breaks or drank beers after solving a crime or something. He was the best friend that Harry ever had. They knew each other for years now, they went to the same academy, they knew everything about each other.

Louis had a fiance as well, her name was Elounor, Harry called her Ellie, she was so great, she was always with Louis, really supportive and Harry thought that Louis and Ellie were just perfect. Harry wanted a relationship like that,as well.. He wanted to love and be loved in a passionate way. Harry was sad and didn't know what to do about his love life actually.. maybe that's why he was such a workaholic..

Harry took place in gang member related crimes and also in counter-terrorism. He actually didn't care about his life so much.. Yeah that was weird and so heroic of him. He thought that he could give his life if it was necessary to save some people, he wanted to save lots and lots of people.

His aim was reaching to the department he was in, and taking part in more important kind of stuff. He just came back from Iraq. His job was about terrorists and such.
Which meant that he didn't take part in any other crime cases anymore, like burglary or drugs,etc.

Because of these, being in this room at the moment was a little bit strange for him.

Why the hell was he even in here? In the Drug Department ? Wtf was going on here?

And who was that charming blond guy everybody was talking about? He seemed really innocent and cute..

But if his picture was on that board, he should be the reason that everybody got alarmed..

Now Harry was even more curious...

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now