/Chapter 18/

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Jihyo's PoV

As I got my number, I wear my cap and my face mask again and get in. It's good that the students are not here. no one will recognize me.

If you are wondering what am I doing here in the Hanyoung when in fact they are having an audition for new students. well to tell, because of the bad luck. I was kicked out of the school. No one knows, even the squad. I'm afraid that if they will find out they will kick me out too.

My father can't support me anymore, same as my mother so I need to support myself but it's not enough. I don't have enough money to pay for the school so they kicked me out. Now that I heard that they are holding an audition and since the chairman of the school will evaluate us, he can choose students that may grant a scholarship.

"I need to get that scholarship," I mumbled and walk into the auditorium since the audition is not yet starting.

"Announcement! to all auditionees, we liked to inform changes. To the students who'll be taking scholarship grant please proceed to the other auditorium." I heard from the speaker.

I sighed and walk into the other auditorium. as I arrive there I saw my former teacher.

"Jihyo, glad to see you here. I heard the news and it's a tough-luck that this happened."

"I know seonsaengnim..." I just said and smiled.

Not so long the other student came. as I can say there are only a few who took the scholarship grant. Well, that is an advantage, If I pass this audition then it's good for me.

"So, since all of you guys here already, I just want to say a big change. This is made by the chairman of the school."

"Each student that will be taking the scholarship grant needs to pass two audition. First is regular audition then you can proceed to the next, the duo match."

my ears flicked as I heard what he said.

"If you pass the regular audition, you are already a student of this school. If you passed the duo match which is the second level, you are guaranteed a scholar student." He said.

After that, we went back to the other auditorium. The audition is already starting and I'm just waiting for my turn.

You can do it Jihyo!

Your PoV

After I heard the announcement of changes from the teacher of this school. I went back to the old auditorium and saw Jimin.

"What was the announcement all about?" He asked.

"Well, they said that we need to pass two auditions. One for this school and another one for the scholarship grant." I said.

"Oh, you can do it!" He said and tapped my back.

"I hope so."

While waiting for our number to call up, Jimin and I just talk.

"You mean your dad hates you?!" He exclaimed.

"No! He didn't, I mean I didn't mean that way. I know he loves me. Like, as if there is any parent who doesn't love their child." I said.

I looked at him and he's smiling like an idiot.


"Your father must be proud of you."

"I hope so," I said and smiled.

"How about your mom?" He asked that made me think.

"I never met her, she died when she's giving birth to me," I said that made him fell in silence.

"Back then, I don't know why... Why dad hides mom from me. All I know is she died giving birth to me. Then before I left, dad told me everything. Out of anger." I said and chuckled bitterly.

"He said that mom didn't choose him. That's why he doesn't want me to know her. I thought she cheated on my dad. But no... Mom chose me instead of dad and her dream." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Mom had a problem in laboring. She had to choose whether to save me or have herself."


"She chose me," I mumbled.

"She must have her reason," Jimin whispered.

"Maybe... but what could it be. Maybe that's why I'm here." I whispered.

Not so long I heard my number was called. I excused myself on Jimin and walk into the audition room.

"Good morning." I greeted.

"Yoo Y/N, shall we start?"

I looked at the guy in the middle and I bet he is the chairman. I nodded and smiled.


Jihyo's PoV

"Number 54," The speaker said. I looked at the screen where you can watch the happenings inside the audition room but it doesn't have a sound so you can just watch it.

My eyes widened as I saw Y/N on the screen.

"What the hell she's doing here!?"

My eyes were fixed on the screen out of unexpected happening.

She can't see me here.

While my eyes are just on the screen, I could hear murmurs from the other students who are still waiting here in the auditorium.

"Isn't the girl who performed a while ago?"

"Oh yeah, I think she can pass the test."

"I know, her voice is great."

I looked at them to make sure if they were referring to Y/N and yes, they are also watching her perform.

Now I'm intrigued... It's just bad that I can't listen to her voice now since the screen was muted.

I looked at the teachers' reactions as they listen to Y/N and base on their expressions, they are enjoying her performance.

"Next in line, 55!" I snapped as I heard my number. I walk out of the auditorium and wait outside the audition room. As it opened, Y/N went out with a smile then our eyes met.

She stopped in the doorway causing me to frown.

Did she recognize me?

"J-jihyo unnie?"


"Number 55, please get in." The teacher said.

Y/N looked at my number tag and confirmed that I am a participant too.

"Y-you're here for audition too."

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