Ch 194: The Catnips Agreement

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In the next minute, Lin Ye witnesses the change of Matterhorn's expression completely. From shock to anger, from anger to despair, from despair to disappointment.

His eyes kept wandering between Pramanix and Lin Ye, wanting to say something to her. But he couldn't say anything, he wanted to question Lin Ye, but he couldn't say anything. Those piercing bull eyes also lost a little bit of light, and finally, they turned into an expression of sadness greater than an expression from losing someone from death.

"It turned out to be so, I understand, I understand.", Matterhorn murmurs. But his sturdy body seemed to lose all his strength, and it swayed when he walks by Lin Ye and Pramanix as if at any moment It's possible that he could fall.

Lin Ye couldn't stand seeing what a sorry state that was in anymore, "Hey! Hey! Matterhorn let me explain!"

But alas he didn't turn his head back but continues to walk slowly towards the end of the corridor.

He slowly whispers, "Fake... All fake.... Kjerag's best friend...Doctor Lin... hele", he slowly turns to a corner.

Finally, he disappeared from sight. Lin Ye's mouth twitches slightly, "What happened to him."

Lin Ye stares at Pramanix with a blank face and points at her.

Pramanix slowly points at herself and asks in surprise, "Me?"

"Who else can it be... Forget it, come in.", Lin Ye sighs.

"After this, help me explain this to him. I don't want him to misunderstand.", Pramanix slowly nods and follows Lin Ye into his office.

As soon as Pramanix entered the room, she sees Skadi standing by the window.

Lin Ye didn't know if it is because of surprise or because of being affected by Skadi's powerful aura, Pramanix takes some steps back subconsciously

"This is....", Lin Ye opens his had pointing to Skadi almost physically grasping for words. "she's my...."

Lin Ye thinks for a while, "Assistant, Skadi."

Hearing Skadi's name, Pramanix's expression changed a bit. Obviously, she had heard of Skadi, so she greeted Skadi in a low voice, but Skadi didn't seem to listen.

She didn't even turn or look back. Skadi must have heard the greeting but must not want to return the gesture.

He couldn't help but feel a little sad for Skadi. He had no choice but to let her go. But when Pramanix sees that Skadi didn't pay attention to her, she seems relieved, making Lin Ye a little bit dumbfounded

"Please sit down.", Lin Ye says,

"Would you like tea?"

"Umm. No, I don't want to trouble you."

"It's okay.", Lin Ye shakes his head and turns around to get the kettle, "It's only boiling water. It's not a big deal."

"Well, thank you then,", Pramanix says.

Skadi glances back at Lin Ye, without speaking.

While Lin Ye was boiling water, Pramanix raises her empty bottle again and tilts her head.

"Doctor Lin."


"If possible, can I use this to make tea?"

Lin Ye glances back at her.

'I think that would be a bad idea.'

She is deserving to be the Karlan Saintess of Kjerag, she can ask better than ordinary people... And it is okay for cats to drink catnip.

Lin Ye recalled that he had raised seven cats in his previous life. He remembered searching on what is good to feed cats with. Surprisingly catnips can be drunk by cats if he remembers correctly.

But Pramanix in front of me is obviously an exception.

"I don't have any those here now.", Lin Ye shakes his head and says, "Only ordinary tea, sorry."

"Oh, it's okay.", Pramanix looks a little disappointed, but she nods her head rather obediently, "Then ordinary tea will be fine."

Truly she was worthy of being the saintess of Kjerag, she is more polite than ordinary people.

Lin Ye thinks back on the helpless children that he had to care for before. He feels that Pramanix is too well behaved.

After making the tea, Pramanix immediately asks him.

"Doctor Lin, do you still have those herbs?", she asks, "I like its taste very much, and so does Cliffheart."

Lin Ye suddenly feels a bit awkward about this topic.

Seeing Lin make a slight face, Pramanix adds, "Oh, I can pay for it, you don't have to give it away for free."

"That's not what my face meant, sorry.", Lin Ye sighed

It isn't like he doesn't have any more catnip. On the contrary, he has lots. When he left the vet, the owner of the pet that he helped packed a lot of supplies for him and wished him a bright future. He accepted all as a souvenir.

If Pramanix, and Lin, wanted it, he could give her a large bad of catnip, more than she has gotten before.

'But the question is that... Would Matterhorn really kill him if he does that?'

Lin Ye internally curses the past him for giving him too much trouble to deal with. He asks for forgiveness towards his future self because he knows for a fact that, his trouble will never stop going on like it is now.

Now that Matterhorn has determined him as a "traitor" who instilled drugs on Pramanix. He didn't want to deal with more problems. He has a lot already, to begin with. The least he can do is reduce his future burden.

Therefore, after a short hesitation, Lin Ye decides to change the subject first, "How was the hair protector that I gave last time? Did it work for you?"

When the hair protector was mentioned, her eyes instantly lit up.

"Oh! It was very effective, Dr. Lin!", she then begins to brush her tail, "I haven't had any more fur loss; the effect can be said to stand as one of Kjerag's best products. You could be a famous person there. You have solved most of the Kjerag people's hair removal problems.", she smiles brightly.

"So, thank you, Dr. Lin!"


A single tear almost escapes his eyes, Pramanix is so kind! Really Kind! Where has she been all his life? Why does he have to deal with bratty kids? All he did was give her some small gifts.

Lin Ye coughs, and withdrew his thoughts, "By the way, your relationship with your brother is not very good, isn't it?"

Listening to Lin Ye mentioning his brother, the light in her eyes quickly disappeared.

That bad, huh

"Doctor Lin.", Pramanix says softly, "This is my family affair. It doesn't seem to be good to ask about it rashly?"

"Uh.", Lin Ye thought about it, it seemed really not good, "Then I'll give you a gift if you tell. Some more herbs?", Pramanix tilts her head and thinks carefully.

Then she nods, "Okay."

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaq

Proofread by Kingofkraken

Edit by Jaq

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