Ch 265: Defeated By Nightmares

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Galvin slams open the wooden door and barged into the hall while yelling: "Mephisto! What are you doing?!". His expression distressed. He calls out Mephisto repeatedly to no response. Galvin sees the door to Mephisto's room, just as he was about to enter, someone grabs his hand.

"Mr Galvin, isn't it common courtesy to knock on the door before entering someone else's room?" It was Faust who stopped Galvin.

Galvin turned to look at Faust, not knowing who he is. Naturally, he thought Faust was just some mere lackey who worked for Mephisto. Galvin fumed at the audacity of this lackey.

He tried ignoring Faust, but Faust pushes him back. Faust's eyes glared daggers into Galvin, "Mr Galvin, It would be wise if you do not escalate this further, you might get hurt."

Faust started squeezing Galvin's wrist, applying pressure, Galvin who was only of the strength of a civilian, cried out in pain.

"Y-You! Let go!" Galvin shouted.

Faust released his wrist and Galvin steps back and pointed at Faust.

He is regretting not bringing over his own henchmen. Now that he has seen the strength of Faust, he doesn't dare to be as rampant as he was just now. But his tone is still strong, "I invited you to Kjerag, not for you to take a vacation!"

Faust says, "We're not on vacation."

"Really?!" Galvin shouted profusely.

"How long have you been in Kjerag? You spent days just sleeping in your room!"

"You probably forgot. We acted three days ago." Faust says lightly, "and we paid the price"

Galvin is almost laughing with anger, "Paid the price? Who do you think I am? I know how much you lost. I only know that you didn't do anything. And you even angered the God of Karlan!"

"We had already explained this to you that night."

"What's the use of that explanation!", Galvin yells, "What else did you say besides reminding me that I had reached a dead-end? You failed to catch the Silverash Sister at that time! Now they are back, from meeting God. How do you know that God will not help them again!"

"Then what do you want?"

"What do I want? Are you really asking me that? I paid a high price to sneak you in Kjerag, just for you ask me such a stupid question?!", Galvin says, "Now that the saintess has returned to Kjerag, it is no longer possible for me to do anything to her, and Enciodas even said that he is about to mobilise entire border guard! And you dare ask that question!?", Galvin's saliva is about to spray on Faust's face.

Faust's brows furrowed tightly. He hated someone talking to him in this tone. Just as he was about to teach Galvin a lesson, the door of the room opens. The one opening it is worryingly pale. Thick dark circles surrounded his eyes. Mephisto came out with his cane in hand.

"Tribal Council has not started yet", Mephisto says in a hoarse voice, "That is to say, everything hasn't settled yet, why are you so impatient?"

Both Galvin and Faust looked towards Mephisto. He walks out of the door and stands in the sunlight. The sun made his complexion paler, like a chronically ill person.

"The Silverash family only has three members left.", Mephisto says lightly, "So no matter how many cards they have under their hands, as long as we deal with the three of them, there won't be any question asked if you take over. Do you understand, Mr Galvin?"

After listening to Mephisto, Galvin's expression eased a bit. Because he knew what Mephisto said was right. No matter how strong Enciodas is right now, he can't change the fact that The Silverash family only has three members left. As long as the three members were removed, the remaining power will not affect the pattern of Kjerag.

"At present, the tribal council is still under your control.", Mephisto continues, "Since it's that simple, you just have to deal with Enciodas on that day and let me deal with his sisters. We are not from Kjerag, so we can deal with your saintess without any problems. We will not affect you, at least not on the surface. When our side is done, you will negotiate with Enciodas on yours."

"Will Enciodas submit?"

"We have studied Enciodas. He has worked hard, not only for revenge but also for his sisters. Otherwise, he would not have chosen to send his sisters away from Kjerag.", Mephisto says lightly, "From this, it was indeed a good move for you to trick his two sisters to return. This gives Enciodas a weakness. So, the day after tomorrow's tribal council will be good for us. All you have to do is to deal with Enciodas, and then be ready to pay us, and then you can take over Kjerag again."

Mephisto has obviously persuaded Galvin and eased his mind

After Galvin left, Faust looks at Mephisto.

"For a family leader of this level, I really don't know how he defeated the Silverash family", Mephisto says indifferently, "In fact, he probably just got lucky or the Silverash family was weak at that time."

Faust looks at Mephisto with worried eyes, "Are you still having nightmares?"

"How did you know I was still having nightmares?"

"Apart from your dishevelled appearance?"

"You talked in your sleep last night and kept yelling 'Stay away!'" says Faust, "What did you dream of?"

"Nothing." Mephisto seems to be reluctant to talk more on this topic, turning around and leaving.

"Your current state is horrendous; won't it affect your leading?"

"Of course not." Mephisto says, "I will not be defeated by these inane nightmares"

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaq

Proofread by Weebly

Edit by Jaq

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