Ch 254: Oh! You Came Back!

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Mephisto awakens from his slumber and sits up, unable to stop himself from clutching his shoulder, his head drenched in a cold sweat.

Mephisto's scream awakens Faust, who is sleeping next to him. He leaps out of his bed in a flash. He picks up his heavy crossbow from beside the bed.

"What's the matter? Are there any enemies?" Mephisto remained silent, his breath ragged and shallow. he wraps his frame tightly, shaking all over.

Faust rushes out of the room when he realises he will not receive an answer from him. He initially mistook it for an enemy attack, he scans the area and finds that nothing was out of the ordinary - there was nothing outside.

Faust returns to the room and asks, "I didn't see anyone, what's the matter?" Mephisto did not utter a word, which surprised Faust.

He had never seen Mephisto like this before. Mephisto is the kind of person to maintain confidence and dignity at all times, but now he's shivering, and his eyes are plagued with fear.

"What's the matter?" Faust asserts again.

Mephisto closes his eyes slowly and remains silent for about five seconds before slowly saying, "Nothing."

He breathes out a sigh.

"There isn't a problem, it's just that I didn't sleep well," Mephisto finally calms down.

Faust's brows frown in doubt "What?"

"It's really not a big deal." Mephisto squeezes a stiff smile at Faust

He didn't want to hide from Faust, but he was at a loss for words. Was it appropriate for him to tell Faust about his nightmare?

What would he tell him? The nightmare felt so tangible, so real. His fear, the pain of the scissors ripping apart his body... Would Faust even believe it?

Unlike most dreams, the memories of it are burned into his brain.

He was perplexed. Why did he dream of such a thing?

It wasn't the first time he had a dream about the past, especially on that particular night. Several times over the years, he had dreams about that night. After all, it was the night he received his first human specimen, as well as the first time he killed another person, and it was unforgettable.

He completed his greatest experiment using that person's body. He was able to shed that humble identity after that, and through this technology, he was able to successfully get to know Onee-san. That night, it could be said, was the night he changed his destiny and the course of his life. As a result, he had recurring dreams about that night. It had nothing to do with remembering Anna, the little girl. But to recall how he killed her with his own hands and reanimate her. It was like the most exquisite wine; whenever he thought of it, he felt fulfilled.

But this time it was different.

Because in his dream, someone appeared unexpectedly. He was greeted by a stranger, who wore an odd mask, he has met countless people in his life but he will never forget that face. It was Mephisto's first encounter with such a lucid dream.

The pain that he felt in that dream felt so raw. Every sensation felt like reality, from the way the stranger slammed him into the wall, the struggle for breath as he was being choked and the scissors-

Those scissors.

Mephisto shudders at the thought and wraps himself with his sheet tighter.

This caught Faust's attention as he was about to fall asleep again. He had to come to a halt and asks again: "What exactly is the problem?"

Mephisto grits his teeth.

Why did the man attack him in his dreams?

Despite the fact that most human dreams are irregular, they are all based on knowledge stored in the human brain. If you haven't seen or heard of something, it's very unlikely to show up in your dreams. And he didn't know where he had seen what the man before.

I am Astraeus.

Because the man was wearing a mask, it was difficult to understand what he said, it didn't make sense. he was unaware of anyone or any organisation with that name...

Wait...what the hell is he doing?

Was he really analyzing... a dream? Mephisto thought.

I'm being ridiculous

Faust is still watching him.

Mephisto calms down, breathing deeply, slowing down his racing heart and stopping his shakes. This is just a nightmare, just like a nightmare caused by stress.

He takes a deep breath, and then softly says to Faust: "I just had a nightmare."

Faust is taken aback "A nightmare?"

"Yes." Mephisto nods, "It was just a nightmare, a frightening one."

Faust could not believe it. Mephisto terror-stricken from a nightmare? How could this be possible?

Mephisto, on the other hand, stated as much, and his expression does not appear to be deceiving him. There is no reason to lie about this sort of thing.

"Is that right?" Faust had planned to inquire about the nature of the dream, but with how Mephisto acted earlier. He thinks it would be difficult for Mephisto to divulge the contents of the nightmare.

So, he stops digging, but says, "If you can't sleep, I can talk to you. Chat a little bit"

"No need." Mephisto's lips lift slightly. "I, Mephisto, will not be defeated by just a nightmare" Faust nods "Then I understand. Sleep well"

"I will," Mephisto said, but began to regret what he said after seeing Faust returning to sleep.

He did, however, say he would sleep, and he will. And he doesn't think a nightmare will scare him twice, so he leaned back in his bed and closed his eyes.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he closed his eyes, a tidal wave of fatigue washes over him, and a force drags him into the deep.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

He opens his eyes.

He is back at the alley.

He sees a haunting smiling girl mask on a man.

The scissors are still in his bloody hand.

"Oh!" his pleasantly surprised voice echo throughout the alley, "You came back!"

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaqqy

Proofread by Weebly

Edit by Jaqqy

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