Ch 325: Speculations

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When leaving the island, Lin Ye's heart was beating incessantly due to the fact that both Magallan's drone was gone and his most powerful trump card was now gone. If they encountered anything threatening on their way back, they were all done for.

Thankfully they didn't encounter anything dangerous on the way back. He wasn't sure if he had eliminated all of the strange things on the island or if they were just plain lucky.

Thinking about it more carefully, the strangest place on the island was the underground river. They didn't encounter anything else before the underground which was an unsettling coincidence. He also wondered if the river he destroyed was still there, or maybe there was nothing left on this island.

If we continue to investigate, will we be able to find Skadi?

Lin Ye had such thoughts in his mind following their uncertain encounters on the island, but he dismissed them in an instant.

He couldn't let the whole team follow along on the adventure just because of Skadi. Not to mention that there was no real evidence to indicate that Skadi was still on the island. Even if Skadi was really there, they still had to go back.

Lin Ye also knew that his performance tonight was not sufficient enough. In many cases he was very unreasonable, impatient, and he didn't know if it was because of his concern for Skadi's safety, or because he was being affected by the mysterious power on the island or maybe both.

In any case, he was sure that he would be unable to lead this team.

Their experience in the cave compared to their current progress back was unbelievably smooth. The small boat swayed on the sea as rain gradually fell.

They slowly returned to the town of Harlan. When they stopped the boat and stepped onto the land, Lin Ye felt like he was in a trance. It was obvious that they had only been out for a few hours, but they were unusually tired and wanted to sleep right away.

"It's only about one and a half hours before dawn," Blue Poison looked at the time and said "We made it just in time."

Lin Ye nodded to her.

"Then let's go back," Lin Ye replied, "It's about time for the others to wake up, and we won't be able to get any sleep. It's likely that the others will call us as soon as dawn breaks. Don't get found out, otherwise it's going to be hard to explain what we did when they wake up."

Everyone nodded and followed Lin Ye. They slowly tiptoed back to their tent. They were very cautious as they didn't want to be spotted.

Several of the Ursus's military's outposts were located at the entrances and exits of Harlan intercepting idlers. However they didn't bring many people as the coastline was naturally occurring here and couldn't be completely secured.

They successfully got back to their tent without being caught.

Back in the tent Lin Ye really wanted to find a sleeping bag and fall asleep in an instant, but he also knew that he didn't have the time to do that. He resisted the urge to sleep and said to the others "It's about to dawn soon. If nothing else, we'll take action at dawn", he stared at each of them "SilverSword also said yesterday that today we're going to the sea."

"What?" As soon as she got back in the tent, Matoimaru lied down and tilted her head "Going to the sea?"

"Didn't you attend yesterday's meeting?" Magallan said incredulously.

"Who would listen to that kind of thing?" Matoimaru said offhandedly, "But it doesn't matter, I just listen. What should we do next?"

"If it is a joint operation, the next investigation will be much easier, but we can't communicate as freely as before" Magallan explained, "So I suggest that we collate the information we got tonight before dawn, otherwise we would have gone for nothing last night."

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