Chapter 32

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You walked to the entrance, your cheeks burning. Your heart was racing. You felt like you were on cloud nine. Sun kissed you. He actually kissed you. Granted, it was on the cheek and lord knows kisses on the cheek were usually platonic, but it still made you ecstatic. He cared enough to give you one, and that was enough for you.

Once you got to the entrance, you were slightly surprised to see Vanessa. She was already changed out of her uniform, leaning against the wall. She glanced over at you, seeming to eye your face.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," you said, biting the inside of your cheek.

"You sure? Your face is pretty red," she said, smiling slightly. "Did something happen?"

"No- I mean, uh, text from someone I like," you lied, your cheeks heating up even more.

Vanessa let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say."

The two of you left the building and Vanessa led you to her car, you texting Amanda and asking what park you needed to go to. The two of you got into the car, giving the Vanessa the park name before the two of you drove off.

"So, maintenance?" she asked.

"More like glorified daycare worker. Not that I mind. The daycare is a pretty nice place," you said.

"How long have you been working here?" she asked.

"A few months now. You?" you said.

"I've been at the Pizzaplex for a few weeks now, but I've worked for Fazbear Entertainment for a few years now," she said.

"You were hired from within?" you asked.

"Yup. It's a nice company to work for."

You nodded, glancing down at your phone.

"You were hired by Bill, right?" Vanessa asked.

"Yeah, do you know him?" you asked.

"Yeah, he said I was like a niece to him," she said.

"Huh," you mumbled.

You didn't remember Bill mentioning Vanessa before. Normally when he was close enough with someone, he wouldn't stop talking about wanting you and Oliver to meet them. If he considered Vanessa a niece, then you should've remembered hearing him talk about her.

"He said a lot of good things about you, said I'd get along with you if we ever worked together," she said.

"Well, maybe we can try to hang out more," you said, smiling.

Vanessa smiled as well and nodded. She pulled up to the gate of a park, glancing down at her phone.

"Well, this is the place," Vanessa said. You started to unbuckle when you felt her put a hand on your shoulder. "Do you think we can exchange numbers?"

"Yeah! I'm fine with that!" you said.

You and Vanessa traded numbers before you got out of the car, waving goodbye. Once she was out of sight, you let out a sigh. She was nice, but there was something about her. Your turned and walked into the park, trying to brush off the feeling. You were probably just acting weird because of that kiss.

After a few minutes of searching, you found Amanda and Oliver sitting at one of the park tables. Oliver was quick to take notice of you, running over and hugging your legs. You smiled and picked him up, letting him cling to you. Amanda walked over, looking like she had just stayed up all night.

"So... what happened?" she asked.

"They took the body off for DNA testing and Peter and I fixed up the attendant," you said.

"Is that all?" she asked.

"Yeah, we really didn't do much," you said.

"God... this job is just getting to be too much," she mumbled, covering her face. "I mean, we've missed so much work recently and I'm not getting paid because of it. I'm gonna lose the apartment if this keeps up."

You nodded, glancing down at the ground.

"Let's just get McDonalds or something. Anything cheap," she mumbled.

You, Amanda, and Oliver left the park, heading to the closest fast-food place you could find and ordering lunch. It was quiet while you ate. Oliver ate his food as fast as he could before running off to the play area, Amanda got this look like she was going to throw up any time she even looked at her food, and you just felt too awkward to eat. You got the sinking feeling that Amanda was going to quit soon. You understood why, but you didn't want her to. You liked working with her. Even if you didn't see her all that much during the work day, it was still fun.

"How are you so calm?" You looked over at Amanda, seeing that her eyes were starting to go glassy. "We saw a dead body. I've been barely keeping myself together but you- you just look so calm. How?" she whispered.

"I... don't know," you said.

"How do you not know? Isn't there anything that could explain why you're like this?" she asked.

"I just- I don't know! I don't know anything! The only thing I know is that my brain is fucked up!" you said, your breathing starting to become uneven.

Amanda let out a sigh, covering her face with her hands and resting her elbows on the table.

"Fuck... I can't do this. I'm sorry- I just-"

She cut herself off, standing up from the table and walking out of the restaurant in silence. You watched her leave.

"Hey, (y/n)? Where is Ms. Amanda going?" Oliver asked, running up to you.

"I think she's heading home. We should, too," you said, standing up.

You grabbed Oliver's hand and left the restaurant as well, going to a bus stop and taking the bus back to your old house. 

Daycare Maintenance (Sun/Moon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now