Epilogue Pt. 8

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"Don't you fucking touch him!"

Everything was a blur. The moment your eyes landed on the creature holding your crying brother, your broken body acted on its own. You launched yourself at it, your hands going straight for it's robotic head. It dropped Oliver as the two of you began your tussle. You were quick to go straight for the parts that looked to hide the most important parts: wires, batteries, circuit boards. Anything that could decommission this thing for good.

It seemed to be trying to do the same to you, tearing at you with its one good hand. You could hear Oliver crying not too far away. You took a glance at him, seeing him huddled in a corner with your jacket pulled tight around his small frame. There were holes in the jacket where the creature's hand had gripped, red liquid seeping out from the area. You screamed, grabbing the creature by its throat and bashing its head into the wall over and over.

A few minutes after the thing went limp, you finally stopped your assault. Your breathing was heavy and ragged. Your body trembled and spasmed. The creature's body crumpled into the water, unmoving. Turning back to Oliver, you hobbled over and knelt in front of him. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close and slowly rocking him.

"I'm right here... I'm here..." you whispered.

"Y-you're real, right?" he whimpered.

"Of course I am!" you said. Your hand cupped his cheek and you turned his head to look at you. "I'm real. I promise I'm real."

With a nod, Oliver just melted into you and cried. You stood up starting to walk out of the log float ride before he stopped you, tapping your shoulder.

"What is it, sweetie?" you whispered.

"M-Monty..." He pointed at a mass of metal in the water.

You nodded, carefully leaning down and grabbing a hold of the metal. Lifting with some force, you pulled up the mangled upper torso of Monty. You cringed. He didn't look good at all.

"Why don't you tell me what happened? I mean, I obviously missed a lot here," you said, gesturing with your head to the rest of the building around you.

"Well... after Gregory and I got out of here, the building collapsed around Roxy's Raceway. And then it was just... abandoned. Mr. Peter took care of us and we rebuilt Freddy from just a head, but then Cassie got lured here by that thing you beat up. And then I tried coming here to find you, and Gregory followed me, and Mr. Eclipse was the one who was trying to help us, but then he let Mr. Sun out-"

You just nodded, doing your best to climb back up the ladder and out of the log float ride. Once at the top, you could see Eclipse impatient tapping his foot as he glanced around. The second he laid eyes on you, he immediately rushed over and took Oliver from you.

"What took you so long? And why is he hurt!" he exclaimed.

"Cause there was another dangerous animatronic that was trying to kill him," you grumbled.

You woke up to Sun, but not long after Eclipse took over. He had no memory of you, which he explained as just being a different copy. You were a little peeved that he took back over, but apparently he only allowed Sun out because he was "what the boy needed most" and he was programmed to "provide the kids with what they need most", but now that you were back, Sun was no longer needed. You found it to be a load of bull shit, but what could you do other than wait it out until you could fix the attendant back up?

You could see Eclipse eyeing what was left of Monty before staring you in the eye.

"It wasn't Monty. Oliver was trying to help him," you said.

"Well, what was it?"

"Don't know, don't care, but it's dead now, so let's just be glad everyone is safe and, most importantly, alive."

Eclipse huffed and started walking out of the raceway.

"Can I please have my brother back?" you asked, following behind him.

"When you get yourself fixed up. Your body is in no condition to handle children."

You fumbled out incomplete words, staring wide-eyed at the animatronic in front of you.

"Oh, like you're any better!"

You weren't too fond of this new Eclipse. Sure, he wasn't hostile like the one before, but he certainly wasn't nice to you. At least the other one had his nice moments. He didn't even let you have a moment with Sun or Moon. It was beyond frustrating.

Before long, you were back at the main atrium where you planned to meet with everyone else. You had woken up not long after they left to find Oliver, but managed to catch up and convince them that it would be better if you just went and talked to him.Of course, Eclipse wound up tagging along for safety reasons.

Looking around you noticed that the others weren't in the area yet. Glancing back over at Eclipse, you noticed Oliver was passed out in his arms. You set Monty down, walking over and gently pushing some hair from your little brother's face.

"What is your relationship with the attendant?"

You looked up at Eclipse, raising an eyebrow.

"Sun seemed rather... upset that I took control when you regained consciousness. And you seemed very disheartened as well. I assume you are close with him and Moon?" he asked.

"Yeah, very. I worked with them the most, and they were always there for me," you said. You took a seat on the ground, motioning for Eclipse to do the same. "I honestly loved them. And it wound up working out with me being a robot 'n everything."

"Do you love me?"

You glanced up at the animatronic, giving him a confused look.

"I mean... I just met you, and I don't know how much Sun or Moon would like that," you said.

"I see. Well, I will try not to get in the way of your relationship with them."

"Maybe I can make you your own body? That way you can do your own thing."

You could see Eclipse smile.

"Yes. I would like that very much."

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