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The day before ....

2 lines!! 2 fucking little lines were changing her life !!! There had to be a mistake , they'd been so careful. 

She ran back to the convenience store and bought 5 more kits , ignoring the  shocked look on the clerks face .

Back in her apartment she drank as much water as she could stomach, and 20 minutes later she had 6 pregnancy test kits lined up side by side and a total of 12 lines !!

Once the shock had subsided   the question of how came into play...unfortunately as clear as watching a movie she could recall every second , every  kiss , touch....

She got out her phone and opened the search engine and typed

Can you get pregnant from precum  at the edge of the virgina.

Search had come back that although unlikely it was in fact possible if the precum had contained sperm .
She threw the phone on the little table and sat with a thump on a bean bag..... that first time,  he'd already ejaculated when she'd given him a blow job,  and then he'd rubbed himself against her opening,  almost slipping the head in before she'd put a condom on him ! It had to have been then , there was no other possible time.

What about Rm what would he say ?
She buried her face in her hands as she was overwhelmed with emotion. Fear , guilt , panic and worry.

This was so unfair !

The next few hours were a blurr. She'd cried with frustration,  shook with fear, cried again with an overwhelming urge to love and protect what couldn't be more than a 2 week old egg doubling in size...
Well that bit might not be technically true she thought but still there was something living and growing in her  and she loved it already !!

She imagined a million different conversations telling Rm.. and each one  ended horribly.

  He didn't want kids so badly he'd put it in the contract,  he didn't want a girlfriend he'd said that numerous times,  their time together was limited.

Fear again ..what if he told her to have an abortion !! She hugged her tummy..' no way ! Never '

What if he tried to take the baby off her,  he could.. he had more money and resources than her ,  just because he didn't want a girl friend,   he might feel responsible enough to want the child ..

Her mind swam , her eyes were red raw , she still hadn't eaten,  but at least if she didn't eat she wouldn't get sick.
She knew that was wrong but honestly couldn't cope with anything else right now .

Her phone had buzzed and she saw Rm had messaged,  but left it unread .

She eventually climbed into bed and just sobbed ..for everything , for her baby , for Rm and for herself.  she felt so alone.

She woke early , around 5 am , at some point in the night she'd decided that this baby had to come before anything , she was responsible and her alone . It wouldn't be fair to Rm when this wasn't something he wanted . His life was in the public and he was so good at that and so many people relied on him already,  she was just a crush.

She had to go home , back to the UK.... And that was going to take some organising...

The first thing she had to do was get her final piece glazed and to the gallery she couldn't let her friend down.

It takes 7 hours to fire a glazed pot, by 5.30 am the furnace was up to temperature and her last pieces cooking.

Back home after a few dizzying moments when she thought about being sick but didn't she managed to pack her largest suitcase with her clothes and personal items , the rest of the stuff could go with the house.

By 8.30 she'd bought her ticket for 7 that evening.

By 9 she was at a local Real estates and had just explained that something had come up and she was leaving and needed the place sold as soon as possible,  she's paid all her fees up front and left just an email for contact.
He'd given her a notice to put up on the wall outside her house.

She would lose money on the sale but it would still be enough to tide her over for a while .

Luckily because of the exhibition job she hadn't had any other  confirmed jobs lined up so she didn't have that to worry about.

Keeping busy had kept most thoughts away nearly all day. Lunchtime she'd managed a sandwich and kept it down.

Back at her work shop,  which she leased by the year,  she removed the last of her tea set.

She rang Song Park-sul praying she would answer  and trusting the only person she called a friend,  sort of at least, in Korea.

She explained an emergency had come up , that the second set was ready and packed and the 3rd needed packing,  probably tomorrow would be best,  and could she entrust that to her along with the key which she would courier to her. ?'

Song Park-sul had tried to asked questions and of course she was shocked by this unorthodox request,  how ever she'd been dealing with artists and their temperaments for years and she knew Rose , if she said it was urgent it obviously was.

Once off the phone she stood looking around her beloved workshop,  all her tea sets on the show wall , the special sets where they'd taught traditional ceremonies,  she felt a lump in her throat as tears threatened.

She spotted and grabbed a sketchbook , it was the one with Rms tea set designs in..that was it , tears fell fast as she hugged the pad to her chest,  she had always known leaving him would be difficult but this was heart wrenching,  she cried and she cried as memories flooded her mind , and not just the sex,  when he'd looked after her , when he'd made her laugh , when he'd just held her and she had fit perfectly,  like she was made for him, like a jigsaw piece,  she cried until she couldn't cry any more,  her tears literally dried up.. her phone buzzed again but she ignored it .

She opened the sketchpad and grabbed a pen from the side and an envelope from supplies.

She had to write to him she couldn't just dissappear and she had to make him okay...she didn't want to hurt him , she didn't want him to feel how she felt,  but nor could she make him hate her.  She'd seen that in films , that shit wouldn't work she didn't want him to hate her , just remember her fondly as his first crush..

My dearest Rm....

RM , A Backstage Romance  Book 2 In The SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now