family is everything

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What now ?..

That was a good question and one Rose was asking herself at 3 am UK time,  throwing up nothing but bile and her mum was rubbing her back and holding her hair .

Eventually the wrenching stopped and she sat on the floor with her back against the bath , weak and shaking.

Her mum was crouched down next to her and said quietly " how far along are you ?"
Rose looked up shocked " how did you know ?" She asked , her mum smiled " I knew yesterday when you cradled your tummy , just as you are now " she looked down and Rose's eyes followed and sure enough her hands were clasped over her tummy in an almost protective manner.

She sighed and took a deep breath , " can we go downstairs first please , I need a drink of water "

Her mum helped her stand and they made their way down stairs to the kitchen. Rose sat on a high stool by the counter and her mum ran the cold tap for a while then filled up a glass.

She drank thirstily,  her mouth tasted awful but she needed a drink .

Thoughts ran through her mind , how much should she tell her mum , could she tell her the truth ? A half truth maybe ?

" I'm not sure how far along but my period is only late by a few days so not far at all , we were so careful mum " it was important her mum knew this , " it was just a one in a million bit of bad luck " she finished quietly .

" and the father ?"

" can't know !" There was a tremor in her voice that concerned her mum " is he a bad person? Will he hurt you ?'

Rose was quick to defend him" no, no nothing like that "

" married?"

Rose almost laughed " no  , he's just....not in a position  to be around that's all "

Her mum thought for a moment and then said " are you sure ? Did it even occurred to you to give him a chance ? This is his baby too ?"

Rose swallowed,  she was starting to feel a bit guilty about that , but he didn't want kids , he'd said that , how could she drop one on him .." he doesn't want children mum , I know that much "

" did you want this baby before you found out you were expecting?"

" well no " stammered Rose , " but that's different " I got all the hormones and stuff telling me I love this baby , I don't have a choice ..he does "

" does he ? " Her mum asked seriously

" what do you mean ?"

" If he doesn't know about it how can he have a choice "

She let those words sink in and turned to make herself a cup of decafe tea .." do you want anything,  some toast or biscuits ?  I think I've got some ginger nuts in the cupboard somewhere,  sure I bought some last week..." she was looking through the kitchen cupboards " I knew there was a reason I bought them " she continued " I ate ginger nuts by the bucket load when I was pregnant with you , I must have psychicly known you were coming ." She chuckled to herself.

God she loved her mum and all her funny little englishness,  her superstitions had always made her laugh,  no whistling in the house , no new shoes on a table,  always salute magpies and enquire after the family...her mum had a list as long as her arm. And now apparently she was adding being psychic to her list of quirks .

" mum , come sit down , I'm good thanks,  everything I eat pretty much all comes back up anyway "

Her mum said "yes " and placed the packet of biscuits in front of Rose.

" try one " she said .

Surprisingly the biscuits stayed down and by 5 they both decided to try to go back to sleep.

Rose knew she wouldn't  , jet lag took her a few days to recover from.

She laid on her bed and opened her phone , her mum had told her to book herself a midwife appointment so she went on the webpage and self referred.  She'd get a call or email in the next 48 hours.

That was one thing to do what next she thought..

She stared up at her bedroom wall and Rm caught her eye " don't look at me like that " she said to the poster , every molecule of her body was already missing him , her heart broken with loss, her brain going over what her mum had said about choices and how Rm hadn't had one..had she been too hasty ?

She felt tears threaten again and scrubbed angrily " for gods sakes it has to be the hormones " she said.

She thought about her baby then and downloaded a pregnancy app on her phone, considering she was female she knew very little other than the basics  she added details like last period dates ect , the app was trying to tell her 4 nearly 5 weeks but she knew , she knew the exact time almost .

By 7 o'clock she got out of her bed and had a quick shower and got dressed . She knew her sister would be there shortly and wondered if her mum had already told her .

Her sister was there before 8 and pulled Rose in for a hug.

Lily was a couple years older than Rose and had been happily married for 3 yrs , although seemed longer as she had been with her husband since college.

" you look like hell " lily said by way of greeting,  Rose chuckled and said a nice sarcastic thanks .

" where's my gorgeous niece ?" She asked as lily put the kettle on , " left her at home , apparently my little sister needs to talk to me and I didn't want any distractions "

" oh " said Rose , " so mum's already told you ? " Lily nodded , she messaged yesterday after you went to bed , she did say she only suspected but I see she was right . Tell me everything " she said placing a cup of decafe tea on the table for Rose.

With out saying who specifically Rose told her sister honestly everything that happened , saying he was a big shot in Korea,  couldn't have a scandle , had agreed to have fun and then this happened.

When she finished her sister sat back and said " wow "

Rose had got a bit emotional telling her sister everything and now she was nervous as to what her sister would say..she waited expectantly.

" you know me and mum will support you what ever you decide to do don't you ?" Rose nodded and lily continued " I can see why you panicked and left,  but Rose he really should be told don't you think ? "...

Picture of gingernuts for reference.  Here in the UK we biscuits are a sweet cookie type bake.
I know in the USA biscuits are a savoury scone, and I'm not sure what other countries might call them so hence the pic for clarification lol x they're totally yummy too x

RM , A Backstage Romance  Book 2 In The SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora