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Rose had been married a week, and away from her husband for 6 days. The first day had been the hardest , she had been the last person to leave the Inn, and had felt very alone. 

She had taken a taxi back to her mothers and spent the rest of the day and night in her room. 

Jenny had called in the next morning and done her health checks but had left her alone after that, respecting Rose's need to adjust. 

Rm called every evening and Rose messaged a few times a day . She knew he couldn't always reply , but she felt better for typing. 

She was staying at her mothers for another two weeks before going back to Korea, she had commitments also and couldn't escape from life for too long. She fell into a sort of routine after only a couple of days. Jenny would come in and see her in the morning and then they would both go down and have breakfast with her mother. 

She would go for walks when the weather was nice, and talk to her baby as she did, She would describe the views and the wildlife she saw , pick flowers and arrange them for her mum. 

When the weather was bad she would sit and read or sketch designs, she was thinking of branching out into traditional makgeolli ketals.

Dinner was  good old home made British food , and as much as she loved her mums cooking she was starting to miss the flavours of Korean food. Sometimes Lilly and the family would come, other times it was just the three of them. 

The evenings were the worst, knowing he was still in the same country as her but she couldn't see him, well not in real life anyway ,  Rm and the boys were all over the tv and social media. Every where she looked  they were promoting like crazy, every news channel, big Radio stations too. 

Their first show was in Wembley stadium , a favourite of theirs Rm had told her, ever since Army had sung one of their own songs back at them in 2019. 

After he had gone she had contemplated going to watch the show but very quickly realised all tickets had been sold out all through out Europe in minutes. Despite missing him she had felt immense pride at this fact, and she had told baby how amazing their daddy was . 

By the 6th day she was starting to feel more like herself and less heart broken, being around her mum and Lilly had helped her remember who she had been before meeting Rm and although it still hurt and sometimes at night she might even cry a little bit , she was more or less feeling her normal strong self .

" Its amazing what you get used to " she said one afternoon sitting in the garden with Jenny, drinking ginger beer. A new favourite of hers, despite the name it wasn't actually beer just a ginger fizzy drink and she hoped she could find similar in Korea.

" what do you mean ? " said Jenny

Rose took another sip of her drink and sighed "  less than a week ago I barely had the energy to move, all I could think about was how I was alone and how much I missed Rm , but I know he is safe, I talk to him daily, I feel healthy  and I know Ill be alright "

Jenny smiled, " Us women have always been amazing, I truly believe there is nothing we can not do if we put our minds to it "

They sat in companionable silence for a while, then Jenny said " what are your plans when we get back home ?"

" mm , now the morning sickness seems to have passed I've taken some orders so I'll be in the workshop most days, I'm sorry , you might feel bored. " 

" Honey , its my job and honestly I feel like I'm being paid to hang out with my daughter, or buddy, its really no hardship " she gave a little laugh  and Rose said " thank you , I feel the same. Maybe I can teach you some pottery too and then you wouldn't be so bored " 

Jenny laughed more and said " hmm think I'm too old to learn new tricks but might be fun to try"

 Just then Daisy came into the garden carrying a brown envelope  " Rose love, you've got a delivery " she said waving the envelope out in front of her.

Excitedly Rose jumped up out of her seat and ran to her mum taking it out of her outstretched hand tearing the end of it open .

" OMG!!! OMG!! " she screamed 

" what ?!" both her mum and Jenny said worriedly

" I got  a ticket !! Mum!! I get to see him again one more time ! " 

Despite all her big girl talks to herself the last couple of days  , the thought of seeing Rm had made her happier than she would have thought possible. 

Her phone rang and Jenny lifted it up from the little table and called to Rose who was still hugging the ticket and dancing around the garden.

" Rose ..Rms calling you " 

She skipped over and took he phone from Jenny , her voice still full of excitement as she answered " I love you... I love you ..I love you " she said 

Rms chuckle came loud and clear down the phone.. " did you like your surprise ?"

" Its amazing !! why didn't you tell me ?"

" Honestly I wasn't sure it was a viable option, I still don't know if ill be able to see you back stage,  depends on security and stuff, I didn't want you to be so far from the stage you couldn't see me ,  nor in the middle of a crowd, you're carrying precious cargo , ,so it took some organising. "

" so what's the plan " she asked, as she came and sat back in her chair and took another drink , she felt a bit it of breath now.

" well actually it was Bang, there are some reserved seats for celebrities and reporters, its almost the safest place, and with the best views , He suggested you come along as press  and he will have one of our guys meet you and bring you in. "

"Omg Bang is amazing " she said "I am so excited,!" 

They continued to talk for a little while, Rm told her about rehearsals and how there was one particular dance move that poor Suga was struggling with, How Jk and Tae had not spoken for nearly half a day . When Rose had asked why , he had said something to do with Tae being jealous when an interviewer had seemed a bit too friendly with Jk and how he had thought Jk had liked it . " they made up again though " he said. 

Rose told him about her renewed craving of ginger but how it wasn't tea any more , and she also told him that her health was good and she was eating well.

All too soon Rose heard someone behind Rm say something and much to her disappointment he had to go, but with promises to talk later and one of the hottest tickets in the country in her hand Rose  felt happier than she had done since her wedding day .

RM , A Backstage Romance  Book 2 In The SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now