You're Beautiful When You Smile (Zerkshaw)

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Harry's POV

I've had sex before... OK I've had a lot of sex before. The usual making out, leads to clothes being taken off, leads to head, Anal, cum, leave. It's easy and it's simple. It's such an easy and simple concept that it's so easy to fake, but sometimes we get lost in that realism... At the end of the day. That's all sex is. Just mindless fun, and it never really makes you think about it until someone comes along and tries to change that. Because that, that is when your life starts to change.

Harry: "Oh come on it can't be that bad surely?"

Josh: "I don't know. I mean I think it's hilarious but at the same time, you have to admit it could be a pain."

Harry: "Well yeah but still. Oh hey what are you doing tonight? A few friends are dragging me out and I really don't want to go."

Josh: "So do you need someone to distract you while your out? Or do you need someone who will be used as an excuse to stay in?"

Harry: "No no that's not what I mean. I was going to ask if you wanted to come along but. I mean Its on Its completely up to you and whether you are free or whether you want to? Cos I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, your friends and plans come first like if you have something to do you can do that instead which will probably be more fun anyway."

I put my phone on the bedside counter beside my, wait for it, bed. Shocking I know right?

Simon: "Harry you getting ready yet or what?"

Harry: "Hang on sorry."

I put my shirt on so I wasn't stuck here shirtless and alone. I heard my phone vibrate after a few minutes, causing me to almost launch myself at it.

Tobi: Hey Bog can you let them know we will be there soon?"

Harry: "Yeah, will do mate."

Harry: "Why can't I be happy?"

I had been alone for so long. Sex was just mind-numbing and boring. There was no real point to it, and at the end of the day work fucks me anyway. It had gotten to the point where even sex almost disgusts me to even think about. And that porn and masturbation was better than anything I would find in a person. Why get a person when I can Jerk myself off?

Simon: "Harry come on."

Harry: "Tobi will be here soon with Ethan."

No one knew I was gay, funny I know. And how I managed to keep it from my friends was insane... In saying that though, It was depressing to think about. Seeing my phone buzz made me hopeful at least. I walked over and grabbed it, genuinely hoping it would be him.

Josh: "Harry I would love to join you tonight but are you sure? I'm out, you're kind of not. I don't want to put any pressure or make you feel unhappy due to this."

Harry: "Honestly, I'm surprised they haven't figured it out on their own considering how often I had my friend Chris over and often staying the night. If that wasn't usually a dead giveaway I don't bloody know what would be."

Josh: "Yes but I'm asking if you are ready for this. You are 20,I'm 24. I know it's not a lot but I'm sure your friends will be a bit hesitant at first.

(allow the ages)

Harry: "Josh please? I really want to see you. And I know if we are out in a public place, surrounded by people at least one of us know. Then you can know you are safe right? You will be safe and comfortable. I promise."

Josh: "Harry we could be all alone in a dark alley and I would still feel safe with you... Granted the knife in my back probably isn't good but still."

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