Reset Cycle #62

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Cameron's POV

Walking through the city streets on my way to work like normal, I was starting to worry, starting to get scared with a sense of foreboding hanging over my head like a personal rain cloud. Putting me in a horrible mood for today, I just worried I guess.

Attention all civilians, Results will be in one hour

Fuck those speakers, Fuck everything about them, no one wants to hear it, no one cares, and I can assure you I don't give a fuck about whatever these results are. It's mainly just for the upper class anyway.

Mathew: "Cameron over here quick."

I turned to see one of my work colleagues beckoning me over to him. A worried expression upon his face caused me to follow him, Heading inside the office building and up to our floor.

Cameron: "Why do you look like shit?"

Mathew: "The results, you know what it means right? I'm not ready, I'm scared and I don't want to think about them."

The results are nothing to me, I've never even heard of them or had anything to do with them. An urban legend that will forever be a mystery to me.

Mathew: "I know what it is, and I don't want to have to worry about it, I'm so fucking terrified Cam."

Cameron: "Jesus what's so bad about these results anyway, I've never even heard of this?"

Mathew: "You never heard of the results before? Not even whispering through school, your parents didn't tell you? The results isn't an urban legend. It's a death sentence."

As I stared at him blankly, he finally got the idea that I had no idea what he was talking about.

Mathew: "You genuinely don't know."

Cameron: "Question how come no one else is in the office today? It's still a Tuesday."


Flinching a little and taking a step back, I chanced a glance at the man ahead of me, three years my senior as he begun to shake.

Mathew: "It happens, Once and only once but it happens, and you get filled, your head, explodes with all of these thoughts, all of these memories that aren't you. It makes it so hard to distinguish which is real and which aren't. Previous lives you've lived, your soul so old the literal weight of the world falling onto you. Every second spent in pain, every second in anger, everything takes over and you can't stop it. The results... They are broadcasted over a secure channel from the UN itself. Announcing the target country, And then all hell breaks loose around the globe. One last hoorah before we reset."

Im still very fucking confused as he looked up at me, tears in his eyes before his whole body language and attitude shifts. The tears stop falling and he looked down at his hand, grabbing what ever was close enough.

Cameron: "OK so what is this reset? A country is called, crushed by memories, hell breaks loose. That's great and all but what is a reset?"

Mathew: "Reset, people go back, only a few go back, and train, they train till they can't anymore to prepare us for the end. Prepare us for the attack from above. They will come and they will not stop, until they effectively wipe us from existence... Only a few are chosen, to save it, or fight it. Save our world and sacrifice themselves, or fight it and risk losing humanity all together..."

A decision... Has been announced

Mathew: "What? No, no no no it's only been a number of minutes. Why is it so early. What's going on?"

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