I'm Done

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(Just warning this is like half a rant so I apologize for that now but so much shit is going on and it needs to be said)

Liam's POV

Zina: "Oh no, No No No."

Liam: "What's up?"

I was seated at my desk ready for another match before seeing her name pop into the Discord, Almost scaring the fuck out of myself and Gabbie.

Gabbie: "What's up?"

Zina: "Have you seen thier new videos today?"

Liam: "No not yet, I not long finished work what's up?"

Zina: "I just started watching thier videos, hoping to find some inspiration from like you know a story or something."

Gabbie: "Did Simon do a Q and A?"

Liam: "Fuck when was the last time he did that?"

Gabbie: "It's been a while yeah. I think he said sometime he wanted to do some more."

Zina: "Guys you don't understand, He was answering the questions but the title was that he was reading KSIMON Fanfiction. I think one of the questions involved that."

Liam: "Oh gotcha, OK well did you get your inspiration?"

Zina: "I kind of don't want to write anymore."

Gabbie: "Wait what?"

I almost dropped the cup in my hand I had taken a drink from when she said that, I was completely taken aback as to why that would be, she has loved writing, she has loved meeting new people and managing to be a great influence for people to find cute and interesting ways to bring people into a new world where they can all share in thier common interest and appreciation for creators they love... Why would she stop that?

Liam: "You said he read a Fanfiction or something right?"

Zina: "Y-Yeah."

Gabbie: "He read one of yours didn't he?"

Zina: "Mhm."

Ok yeah no that stopped me, I only barely had time to hit the cancel match button before we were pulled in as it ticked over to say we found a match.

Liam: "He read one of yours?"

Zina: "Yeah, Unfortunately it was one of mine."

Gabbie: "Unfortunately? Why do you say that Zina this is fucking amazing."

Zina: "No you don't understand, I'm not as confident as Luke is about this?"

Liam: "I wouldn't say confident? Maybe like, you know I care a lot less and see the other side in it all."

Gabbie: "In other words you have a lot more confidence, anyway back to the topic at hand."

Zina: "I was so excited when he started to read it, I thought Holy shit this is great... But it quickly went very south."

Liam: "How did it go south? I mean actually it makes sense, He would have known I had permission from Danny to write one about them and he blocked me on Twitter... That's still insanely funny to me."

Zina: "It is pretty funny, but in that instance he blocked you, and that was the end of it. Nothing further was taking. He probably didn't read it, he probably didn't seem disgusted and uncomfortable."

Gabbie: "Why would he seem uncomfortable? He enjoys fan appreciation doesn't he?"

Zina: "Not when it's smut."

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