Finally It Ends

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Vik's POV

I hate being so small, I hate being the nerd, I hate being so smart yet so fucking stupid. Seriously I knew Josh and his friends would be along this corridor, why did I come down here.

Simon: "How fucking stupid are you faggot?"

Honestly, among the punches, the kicks, the words hurt the most, but they never hurt me enough to leave a visible mark, so whenever I would hobble my way to class. I would be shunned as someone who just didn't like the boys, no marks means no damage according to some people.

Josh: "Don't ever let me catch you near me again you fucking freak."

Thats a new one, my head facing the ground I couldn't help but smile, everyone knows me, everyone loves me, so when I try to get something done, I tend to get help from someone. It's the teachers that tend to ignore me. As I heard them walk off, I knew the drill by now. Pick myself up off the ground and just walk into class like nothing happened. I mean granted they are pretty smart compared to regular bullies. If you pick on the brown kid, you are less likely to leave marks due to the already dark complexion of my skin. And hey that's the first time they have called me a freak, I'm glad to see English is finally paying off for Mr Bradley.

Vik: "Come on Vik one big push."

With one hand now underneath me, I lifted myself onto my knees before helping myself to my feet, letting out a painful sigh as my stomach burst into flames, My ribs hurting the most while my legs just ached. It had reached a point earlier this year but I like to not think about that.

Vik: "Remember how to function... And ready."

Talking to myself helped when I was alone. Though the boys tended to corner me in places they knew were empty thanks to Jerome. They could usually get away with it. The worst part though is that they never do.

Ethan: "VIK AGAIN!"

As I watched the taller boy running towards me, he slowly put his arm around my back and helped me along, to get ready for my next class. God I hope Miss Vania isn't in today, she's one of the worst.

Ethan: "Everyone again?"

Vik: "Nah, Preston must be sick today, but Josh called me a freak for the first time so his English is doing well then. And they have managed to hit more of my body, are you guys doing biology at the moment?"

Ethan: "Yeah started this year, it's fun but right now we need to get you help, do you know where the girls are?"

Vik: "Wouldn't have a clue, in fact I don't know where anyone is."

Ethan: "Alright let's get you to Geography and then figure it out from there."

As he helped me to class, I watched a new guy walking past us through the hall.

????: "Fuck are you ok?"

Vik: "New student right? Don't worry about it every student knows but no teacher does anything about it. It's been happening for years."

????: "Yeah but, that's wrong."

Ethan: "We know mate, what's your name? You either join the bullies or you help us protect Vik here. You said Preston wasn't there this time right? So just Josh Jerome Simon and Tobi right?"

Vik: "Yeah."

????: "Lachlan, New here just moved down from Manchester."

Vik: "I love it up there, there is always something to do."

Lachlan: "Hey look just uh, I'm worried already, how long has this been a thing?"

Vik: "Since I started high school I want to say, it's a terrible thing but you get use to it. Alright Ethan I'm good now."

Lachlan: "I'll be back."

As we watched the kid run off, Ethan made a comment saying he seemed nice. We heard the bell ring before our teachers lined us up out front of our class and then told us to all head outside, the principle wanted to make an announcement.

I couldn't help but sigh as I followed Ethan down to the quad as we waited to be addressed.

Harry: "Jesus Vik again? Why can't you just scream for help?"

Vik: "Yes just let me scream while a group of students a year older than me proceeds to wail into me. That sounds like a great idea."

JJ: "Come on man he's only been here a few weeks he's still not use to things."

Vik: "Look Harry don't worry OK?"

As the principle walked out, an old man that looked maybe late 50's maybe 60's. And that Lachlan guy was next to him.

????: "Good morning everyone I hope we are all ready for something new. My name is Edward but you will need to call me Mr Power due to school rules... Hopefully J will get rid of that soon."

Ok, this guy might not be too bad.

Edward: "As you all now know I am taking over as Principle of this school and I've been informed already of a few main stay things that occurr on school grounds that are deemed normal. This will not continue."

He looked so upset and angry at the same place.

Edward: "This here beside me, is my youngest son Lachlan, he will also be your new geography teacher for some of you."

Lachlan: "Thank you Mr Power."

Edward: "The first thing to go, teachers, if I catch any of you smoking on school grounds. Look for another job because I will fire you on the spot. If you don't like it, don't get caught. Though the smell is hard to miss."

I heard one teacher scream something but I wasn't paying enough attention.

Edward: "Next thing, I swear to whatever God you people believe in, if anyone, and I fucking mean anyone, is bullied in my school, you will separated, restricted to a single classroom at lunch and recess and will be taught how to respect others, if anyone is caught breaking this rule or if anyone is even mentioned to have hurt another student, then you will be sent to me and I'll make school a chore for you sick people. I have five children who were all bullied for different reasons. They hated school and hated their lives and I will not have my students coming to school with a sense of dread, this is a place of learning and education, not learning and dodging swings every four seconds. Speaking of, Joshua Bradley, Tobi Lerone, Jerome Acetic and Simon Minter. If you four are not in my office in ten seconds, you will have detention for the rest of the day and you will see me again after school."

Simon: "What are you going to do old man?"

Edward: "I'll rock up to your mother's bakery and tell her how insufferable her child is and how much he loves bullying others. I may be a new principle but i have spent the weekend learning about all of my kids here in this school. I want to establish that student teacher relationship and make this school better. The first thing I am doing will be replacing most of the corrupt and petty staff here. The entire science block is tk be let go immediately, teachers are already replacing you in class as we speak."

A gasp was heard throughout the whole school as everyone was stunned.

Ethan: "He can't do that can he?"

Vik: "He's the principle. He's their boss."

I watched as the four students called raced up to the office and went inside, the science teachers going off at the principle before one teacher tried to charge at him, but Lachlan was faster, sweeping the teacher off his feet before any of us could realize.

Lachlan: "He is our boss, but he is still my dad. The fact you just tried to run at him without trying to prove your own innocence just proved how evil you pathetic people are. I got it now dad."

Edward: "Thank you son, now Mr Barn I know you are here today so I will address but won't ask you to stand or bring attention to yourself. And this goes for everyone here. If anyone catches him in pain or being bullied. And this does in fact extend to every single person in this school. Let me or my son know and it will be dealt with immediately. If it continues they will be suspended and then expelled. Do we have an understanding... Good. OK time for class have fun."

As he walked back towards the office, not a single person moved, everyone was frozen and with good reason. I think a whole school just got owned by the teacher.

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